Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Dream Cars...


  1. Cool cars, I really like the first one. :)


  2. The variety is nice! All three cars have their own distinct appeal and style so there's a little bit of something for everybody. Still, the one that might be the most fun among the three would be the van. It would be great during road trips, innit?

    -Tari Ledsome

  3. Ohhh! I'm also a fan of the VW campervan! I would love to share seats with family and friends in a road trip. I think the custom-painted art bus matches you. :-) Have you watched the documentary film "The Bus?" I'm sure you can relate to the people who are in this movie.

    Angelica Emmanuel

  4. There's no doubt that the car in the first picture was the ‘68 Dodge Charger. :) The ‘68 Dodge Charger was also known as the "Leader of the Dodge Rebellion". You see, Vin Diesel and I have the same taste for cars. :P Haha!

    Junior Perrera
