Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Children of Men

Children of Men

-Clive Owen: Theo Faron
-Juan Gabriel Yacuzzi: Baby Diego
-Michael Caine: Jasper
-Mishal Husain: Newsreader
-Rob Curling: Newsreader
-Chiwetel Ejiofor: Luke
-Jon Chevalier: Cafe customer
-Julianne Moore: Julian
-Charlie Hunnam: Patric
-Danny Huston: Nigel
-Claire-Hope Ashitey: Kee
-Pan Ferris: Miriam

-Set in 2027 London, the youngest person in the world died at 18. And it looks like humankind will end unless a woman gives birth. African and Eastern European cities and countries are losing people and the remaining migrants of these countries flock to England. So it's up to a London peace activist named Theo Faron and his ex-wife, who is a revolutionary, to team up and protect a woman named Kee, who has mysteriously become pregnant.

Did You Know?
-When Theo is walking down towards the Battersea Power Station, there is an image of 2 policemen kissing. This was done by a British "guerilla artist" named Banksy
-In the scene featuring the Bexhill Tower, Theo is wearing a 2012 London Olympics shirt
-In the refugee camp where Miriam (Pam Ferris) is taken to, you can hear the song "Arbeit Macht Frei" by The Libertines being played. This is a German saying translating to "Work shall set you free", which was above the door to the Auschwitz camp, the biggest Nazi death/concentration camp

-After director Alfonso Cuaron seen Charlie Hunnam's performance in the movie Cold Mountain, he was offered the role of Patric

-Michael Caine based his character on John Lennon

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