Friday, September 28, 2012

The Talented Mr. Ripley

The Talented Mr. Ripley

-Matt Damon: Tom Ripley
-Jude Law: Dickie Greenleaf
-Gweneth Paltrow: Marge Sherwood
-Cate Blanchett: Meredith Logue
-Philip Seymour Hoffman: Freddie Miles
-Jack Davenport: Peter Smith-Kingsley
-James Rebhorn: James Greenleaf

-In 1950s Manhattan, a lavatory attendant named Tom Ripley steals a Princeton jacket to to play the piano at a garden party. When the father of a rich Princeton grad starts talking to Tom, Tom feigns knowing the son aand is offered $1,000 to go to Italy to convince a wealthy millionaire named Dickie Greenleaf to return home. While in Italy, he befriends Dickie and his fiancee Marge, his cultural fiancee, by pretending he likes jazz, and possessing erotic thoughts as he sits in the lap of luxury.

-In addition to lying, Tom's talents include forgery and impressions. So when Dickie tires of him, dismissing him as a bore, Tom goes to any measures necessary to make Dickie's life his own

Did You Know?
-This is the 2nd film where Jude Law plays a rich, cultured young man. The other one is Gattaca

-The date of Dickie's suicide is Jan. 6, 1959, director Anthony Minghella's 5th birthday
-For this film, Jude Law learned to play the sax and Matt Damon learned to play piano
-The tailor Dickie used in the movie, Battistoni, is a real tailor shop opened in 1946

-During the murder scene on the boat, Jude Law fell backwards and broke a rib

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