Thursday, November 1, 2012

Uggghhhhh, Holidays!!!

You may notice that this post sounds like the holidays are on its way. Well, they are!! And little miss 60s has major shopping to do. I wanna get all this stuff done b4 Christmas. I still have to pick up something for my mom, stepdad and aunt. My sister, well, she's already done, thank you God! I love her dearly, but man, she is a major pain in the neck in terms of shopping!!
Here's what I have yet to get:

-1/8 scale Le Mans racecar models. He prefers Ferrari, at least in car terms, but he says that Audi is good, so is Peugeout or Vauxhall. He wants 2 of them. Me and my sis are buying one

-Jewelry making equipment

-?. Have yet to find out!

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