Monday, September 9, 2013

Book Review: Behind the Mask

I'm currently reading Behind the Mask: The Authorized Biography of KISS. And it's awesome so far. I have not finished it, and I really want to find the book somewhere! If you're a fan of KISS, I highly recommend reading it. Even the guy who wrote it, David Leaf and Ken Sharp, said it was a good book to read if you love KISS!!!
So far, reading this book, I learned things I never knew about KISS. Like for starters, their original drummer, Peter Criss, was Italian. His real name is Peter Criscoula, and the replacement drummer, Eric Carr, was also Italian. His real name was Paul Caravello.

Peter Criss, aka Catman

Eric Carr, aka The Fox
Or that Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons were Jewish. Gene's real name is Chaim Witz and he was born in Israel; Paul Stanley's real name is Stanley Eisen and as a kid, he was a chubby kid, instead of the bone thin guy he is today and that he was extremely shy and introverted, meaning he was sort in a shell and shy to come out. Then that changed; he became more outgoing. Which really surprises me. I always thought the guys were outgoing; I mean I know they keep their private lives private, but I just never knew this. It's pretty cool!!

Chaim Witz, aka Gene Simmons. Known as The Demon

Awww, how sweet. Paul and his family. Now I know why I like him. He's such a sweetie!
Or that their current drummer, Eric Singer, is also Jewish. People always have these perceptions that the 2 main guys in KISS are these, to use the words of my mom "greedy Jews". I don't think they're like that. Maybe their compensating for not having a lot of money growing up? Who knows. Because, as I read, it turns out that Paul Stanley does not live the high life of a rock and roller. When he came on to some money from the band, he used some of it to buy his parents a car and he lives in an apartment.

Eric Singer, aka Catman
Peter Criss used some money to take his mom to a specialist for diabetes since it runs in his family. Or that Peter Criss was diagnosed with breast cancer and did the Susan G. Komen walk with all the men and women affected by cancer. Ace lives in a secluded house to have some privacy; he don't like people wanting to recognize him as "Ace from Space" and Gene Simmons is still a fan of horror movies just like when he was a kid.
Peter Criss

Paul Frehley, aka "Ace" Frehley
Or that the band has, for a long time, fought with the battles of super religious people who claims that KISS stands for "Knights in Satan's Service" or that the band were Nazis in disguise. This really seems to tick off Gene, whose mother Florence was the only survivor of her family to survive in Auschwitz. Also to note, this book goes as far as about the mid '90s, up to the point of their Psycho Circus album. They have another book that goes into a little detail about their lives, called Black Diamond: The Unauthorized Biography of KISS.
I really wonder what Gene's kid Nick and Sophie think about their dad being "The Demon" Wearing that studded belt and platforms?

The band unmasked for a photo shoot for magazine Creem. L-R: Gene, Paul, Ace, Peter

Dressed to Kill era. Note: Peter is the only one who actually owns a suit in this photo

Revenge era. Where exactly is the rest of Paul?

Kiss' first show with makeup. Although the "Starchild" dons the whiteface

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