Sunday, January 12, 2020

Day 22-What Will You Do Differently If You Become a Parent

I'm going to be honest about this!

What I would do differently if I was a parent would be to encourage my childto follow their dreams. I would teach them that dreams have no limits. That dreams are not for suckers. That if you do work hard enough and put enough dedication into it, it can happen.

I would be supportive of whatever decision my child made. I would make my child feel comfortable enough to come to me or the other parent about anything. Such as if the child identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. I would want that child to come to me or the father and feel comfortable opening up about it and know that regardless of what happens, they will be loved and adored.

I would not tell my child that they would need to work hard to achieve their dreams, that the road to success will be a hard one, but if they are willing to push past the moments where they question themselves about doing this, they can go all the way! I would support my child no matter what they said they wanted to do. If they said they wanted to pursue music as a career, I would tell them it's going to be a hard road, getting all that practice in. But if they are willing to push past that, do the practice and keep at it, they will get to where they need

Case in point, I would positively encourage my child to have limitless dreams. Anything they want to do can be achieved with hard work and dedication. And no giving up!

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