Monday, November 6, 2023

50 of the most haunted places in the world Pt. 1

Everyone loves a good ghost story. Some have a rather touching sentiment about them, meaning that the resident ghost is a benevolent spirit, meaning no harm, but being rather protective or even curious. Others lean towards the opposite end-malevolent, bent on destruction, chaos and violence. Here are 50 of the world's most haunted places, according to

There are locations mentioned here that were already included on the previous post about haunted locations. I'm going to include a different one in place instead of the ones mentioned on the link above.

1. Lizzie Borden House- Fall River, Massachusetts

-Massachusetts is one haunted state. From hosting the Salem Witch Trials to playing host to one of the most haunted cities, Boston. But it's Fall River who has their own resident haunt, the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast. Sure, this house looks unimposing and rather innocent. But it's anything but that. The famous Lizzie Borden murders took place here. Lizzie Borden supposedly murdered her father and stepmother here in 1892. She was acquitted of the crime. Here you can hear strange sounds and see apparitions

2. Clinton Road- West Milford, New Jersey

-This eerie, desolate stretch of road in West Milford, New Jersey just oozes an eerie vibe. Because it's in the woods, there are no street lights here to light the way. There are multiple spooky spots on this road. At Dead Man's Curve, there is the spirit of a boy who will throw coins back at you if you throw them in the creek at the bridge. The multitude of mysterious activities is enormous. It includes Devil worshipping being done in the woods around bonfires, KKK lynchings occurring in the deep bowels of the forest, two ghostly park rangers dying in 1939 saying it's okay to park and light a fire at Terrace Pond and finally the location where mob hit man Richard Kuklinski, "The Ice Man", would dispose of his victims

-Read more about it in Weird N.J. by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran

3. Stuckey's Bridge-Meridian, Mississippi

-This one lane, rusting steel bridge over the Chunky River in Lauderdale County in Meridian, Mississippi will give you chills and then some. In addition to the paranormal activity in the area around, another occurrence that will frighten you to your very soul is the bone chilling squeaks of the bridge as cars try to pass over it. This bridge is closed to vehicular traffic. A local gang called the Dalton Gang, led by a man named Stuckey, would hang out in the woods on either side of the river. This was in the days when boats laden with cash from the businessmen on board would pass by. He owned an inn nearby and would lure travelers to his inn. Once at the inn, the innkeeper would kill the hapless businessman, steal their money and throw their now lifeless body into the river. He was eventually discovered by law enforcement and hung from the bridge. The activity that occurs here most often is hearing splashing noises, said to be the sounds of Stuckey's body hitting the water, and seeing ghostly lights, said to be his lantern luring travelers to his inn. Some of the visitors to this bridge have even witnessed the ghost of old man Stuckey himself. One witness claims that Stuckey pushed him off of this bridge

-Read more about it in Weird Encounters: True Tales of Haunted Places by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran

4. Kings Island- Mason, Ohio

-Built on April 29, 1972, this thrill zone is the top destination for residents of the Tri-State area of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. It's also not without its resident ghosts; otherwise, why would it be on here? The most well known ghost is that of a little girl, thought to be buried in the cemetery visible from either road you can take to get in to Kings Island. She will appear out of nowhere and cause cars leaving the parking lot to slam on their brakes. When the driver asks what a little girl like her is doing out so late by herself, she disappears. Another well known ghost is "Tower Johnny", said to be the spirit of John Hartner, a high school graduate who, on Grad Night in the early 80s, illegally climbed the Eiffel Tower replica in the center of the park and fell to his death. He got tangled up in the cables of the elevator, which takes visitors to the observation deck up top. When the operator of the elevator noticed the elevator was not working, he cleared it by running it up and down, and cleared the obstruction. John fell to his death and was said to be one of the first deaths at the park.

-Read more about it in: Cincinnati Haunted Handbook by Jeff and Michael Morris, Cincinnati Ghosts by Karen Laven. There's also mention of John Hartner and all of the other deaths at the park in Kings Island: A Ride Through Time by Evan Postingle

The Twin Racers. I highly recommend riding this coaster. It's gentle enough for kids and thrill-seeking enough for adults

5. Casa Loma- Toronto, Canada

-This Gothic Revival castle, built in 1914, plays hosts to paranormal activity on all levels. From hearing children laughing to feeling the graze of a hand to visions of the White Lady. She was said to be a maid who worked there in the early 1900s. Tapes on this mysterious specter go missing without a trace

6. Chateau de Brissac- Brissac-Quince, France

-This beautiful French castle hides a secret or two. Charlotte of Valois is said to be the illegitimate child of King Charles VII and was murdered here by her husband after he discovered she had an affair. Visitors report seeing a woman in green, dubbed "The Green Lady", since green is the color she was known for wearing

7. Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary- Petros, Tennessee

-This is said to be one of the MOST SCARY prisons in the entire state of Tennessee. Opening in 1896, this penitentiary housed the most violent of violent offenders. In the 1960s, it housed one particularly famous inmate-James Earl Ray, the man best known for assassinating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This building closed in 2009. There was one famous escape from its walls on June 10, 1977. James Earl Ray and six other inmates attempted to escape by going over the back wall. One was shot and killed and the others returned to their cells. Paranormal activity includes disembodied voices, shadow figures, loud growls, apparitions, loud noises and even being physically attacked

8. Orpheum Theater- Memphis, Tennessee

-This beautiful theatre, built in 1928, is still operating to this day. One day, a little girl named Mary was crossing the street to attend a performance here. She was hit and killed by a streetcar. She was taken inside to try and be saved, but was unsuccessful. It's believed she is the spirit haunting the Orpheum Theater. Doors slam unexpectedly, lights flicker, visitors feel someone touch them

-Read more about it in Weird Tennessee by Roger Manley

9. Patterson Tower- Dayton, Ohio

-This unimposing, open air tower sits on the Dayton Community Golf Course. It's purpose is unknown. There are stairs inside up to the top, so the only logical purpose is for observing the area around. While it's purpose is vague, it's ghostly history is anything but that. In the 1960s, some teenagers were playing around nearby when a thunderstorm rolled in unexpectedly, as they often do in the Cincinnati-Dayton areas. The teenagers ran to the tower, thinking of protection, but not realizing the tower had no roof. A freak bolt of lightning struck down inside and hit the metal staircase railing. The hapless teen holding the railing was electrified instantly, leaving a black, charred outline of him on the wall. During thunderstorms, this outline is said to glow. Owners of the Dayton Community Golf Course and the local police have boarded up the doors and windows to prevent people from entering

-Read more about it in Weird Ohio by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran, under the chapter "Local Legends"

10. Corvin Castle- Hunedoara, Transylvania

-Transylvania is spooky, no matter what. One location in particular is Corvin Castle. It was here that the myth of the vampire was born. Vlad the Impaler kept his prisoners here and was known for impaling them. Legend goes that he became bloodthirsty and this habit later inspired the character Dracula

11. Hayswood Hospital- Maysville, Kentucky

-This three story structure on Fourth Street in Maysville was once the medical marvel for a six county area. Originally on the site was the Wilson Infirmary, built by a woman named May Peale Wilson, which she ran from the 1800s to 1908, when she died. Then the next building to come was the Hayswood Seminary in 1915. It was in 1922 that additions were made to this building to transform it into the Hayswood Hospital. 1925 and 1971 saw renovations to make this building an 87 bed facility. This hospital served a six county area and closed in 1983 in relation to the opening of the new Meadowview Regional Medical Center. Some of the ghostly activity here includes seeing phantom doctors, nurses roaming about. Seeing lights on in the room from time to time. Seeing hospital equipment in the windows. Hearing phantom baby cries or the electronic beeping of a heart monitor. Seeing the elevator doors open and gurneys roll out. Also hearing the type of clacking noise made by heels running along the floor. Police patrol the area frequently to monitor suspicious activity

-Read more about it in Cincinnati Ghosts by Karen Laven and Weird Kentucky by Mark Sceuerman and Mark Moran

12. Monte Cristo Homestead- New South Wales, Australia

-It was nothing but bad to worse from the beginning. Built in 1885, it suffered one tragedy after another. The Crawley family lived here until 1948. Tragedies befell this property including a child falling down the stairs, a maid falling off of a balcony and dying and a stable boy burning to death. A mentally ill man named Harold who lived on the property was chained for 40 years and another person was murdered on the property. It's said that when you get a cold spot that is colder than the deepest winter morning, that means the lady of the house, Mrs. Crawley, is there with you

-Read more about it in National Geographic Supernatural Places by Sarah Bartlett

13. Old Carbon County Jail- Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania

-This old jail in Pennsylvania has a dark history. It looks like a castle fortress overlooking the city of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. A group of coal miners known as the Molly Maguires were held here. They believed in fair treatment for the coal workers. One miner in particular, Alexander Campbell, rubbed his hand in the dirt on his cell floor and pushed it on the wall, leaving a perfect handprint that remains to this day. Visitors to the jail report feeling pushed if they stay too long, loud bangs from the solitary confinement area, shadow figures, apparitions

14. US Hotel Tavern- Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania

-Built in 1835, this hotel harkens back to the days of stagecoaches. Spooky happenings occur here. The sounds of footsteps and laughter on the second floor. The spirit of a woman in a white dress appears on the second floor. It's said that anyone who goes here also ends up getting sick. One group of visitors went here and two of them ended up in the hospital, one with extremely fast heartbeats. Other happenings here include the spirit of an old man who leers at women, a man carrying an axe and the sounds of a party both upstairs and downstairs

-Read more about in Weird Encounters: True Tales of Haunted Places by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran

15. The Devil's Tree-Bernard's Township, New Jersey

-This rather sinister-looking tree resides in Bernard's Township, New Jersey. Locals claim that their hands turn black after touching it and going to a restaurant. A strange black Ford pickup truck will chase people who get too close and disappear after a time. It's said that the tree is cursed. There have been attempts to cut it down, but all were unsuccessful. That is why a chain link fence now resides around the tree. Anyone who tries to cut down the tree is said to come to a very untimely end. Local legend has it that a farmer killed his whole family there and then hung himself afterwards. That his family give the tree an unnatural warmth to it. It's warm to the touch, even in the deepest winter chill, and no snow will fall around it. At one point, Bernard's Township was a KKK headquarters, and one of the branches of this tree, running parallel to the ground, was used to lynch African Americans as an example from this horrible organization

16. Old Changi Hospital- Changi, Singapore

-Built in 1935, it was used by the Japanese secret police as a prison and torture center for a short time. Those who faced their final hours here are the ones said to haunt this location. Soldiers, patients of the hospital among others are those who are said to haunt this location. In the old children's ward, there are spirits of children roaming around. The most common paranormal activity are loud bangs and screaming

17. Mary King's Close- Edinburgh, Scotland

-Under Ediburgh's Old Town is a series of alleys called Mary King's Close. In the 1800s, merchants swarmed these streets trying to sell their wares. These streets were also close to overflowing with tenements and gave the neighborhood a slum-like feel. Various plagues also affected this area. The neighborhood was closed off by the Royal Exchange being built on top of it, partially, during the 18th century. After that, people reported seeing ghosts from years earlier, dressed in the period clothing of that time. Witnesses to this paranormal activity would report chills or feeling sick. The alleyways became so famous that there are now guided tours of the Close

18. Hollywood Forever Cemetery- Hollywood, California

-This is the final resting place for some of the biggest luminaries in motion pictures. Mel Blanc, the famed voice for almost all of the Looney Tunes characters, is buried here. One of the most common occurrences is that of the spirit of a young woman, seen crying by the lake that was once on the same grounds as the cemetery. Many believe she was an actress who died in 1921. It was first built in 1899 and is still an active cemetery today. Some of the properties near this cemetery also face paranormal activity. Silent film star Rudolph Valentino is buried here. It's said that a woman named Ditra Flame will put flowers on his grave. She was said to be a fan. Rudolph Valentino's spirit is often seen in the costume he wore in his film The Sheikh. A woman in all black, thought to be his fiancee at the time of death, Pola Negri, will be seen putting flowers on his grave. Another haunting revolves around Clifton Webb, an actor who died in 1966. He's thought to haunt the Psalms and Abbey mausoleum. Whispering voices, strange lights, cold air and the strong scent of cologne indicates his presence. He's also thought to haunt his old home as well

-Read more about it in National Geographic Supernatural Places by Sarah Bartlett

Clifton Webb

Rudolph Valentino as The Sheikh

19. Hashima Island- Japan

-Looking like something out of one of those "end of the world apocalypse" movies. Hashima Island just oozes a creepy vibe. It played host to a successful coal mine that was later abandoned. The spirits here didn't leave, however. While it was up and running, the workers were forced to live in horrible conditions and subjected to the harshest working environments, all in the name of profit. At least 200 people died there. The island was later turned into a prison camp to house Chinese and Korean prisoners of war, who were forced to work and live in conditions even worse than the ones when the coal mine was in operation. During that time, it was said that at least five people died a month. The most common paranormal activity here is hearing the talking of those who perished here



20. Utopia, Ohio

-This small, relatively unknown town on the banks of the Ohio River in Clermont County got its name because of the first of the two groups who settled there. Founded in 1844, the founder was Charles Fourier and he and his followers were of the belief that work and profits should be shared equally. They also believed the world was poised to enter a period of peace lasting 35,000 years and that the seas would turn to lemonade. These followers believed they had found their "utopia". They also built an above ground dining hall and various little buildings. The group split up and left when they realized the teachings they were given were clearly not coming true. Not long afterwards, a man named John Wattles and his group of spiritualists moved here, thirsting for a new life. They decided to dismantle the previously built dining hall and erect right beside the Ohio River because they believed riverside dining was meant to be. Unfortunately, despite strict warnings from locals who know the area well and know the Ohio River's tendency to flood at a moment's notice, these spiritualists remained undaunted by the threat of flood. On the evening of Dec. 13, 1847, it was raining heavily and the spiritualists were celebrating their new dining hall. They would not celebrate for long. A loud roar brought them outside only to see a wall of frigid water barreling straight towards them from the Ohio River. Only 6 of the 150 people there that night survived. It's said that Rev. John  Wattles' house is haunted. And most if not all of the other spirits, besides Reverend Wattles, are said to be soaking wet in appearance. These spirits are almost always seen on dark, stormy nights. But, being near the river, you may want to exercise extreme caution being out on these nights; the Ohio River can flood at a moment's notice

-Read more about it in Cincinnati Ghosts by Karen Laven

21. Buckfastleigh Cemetery- Devon, England

-This eerie-looking, but beautiful cemetery is home to "The Devil's Tomb". In 1992, a fire destroyed the church here and all that remained was the bell, which was installed elsewhere. Now a bell can be heard tolling across the area. The most noted fact about this locale is "The Devil's Tomb". It's home to a monstrously evil 17th century squire named Richard Cabell. He was incredibly wealthy (a squire) in the town of Devon. He practiced wicked and immoral behavior. He also had a passion for hunting. As he was also abusive, his wife ran away, but he found her and killed her on the spot. It's believed that on the night of his burial, paranormal activity starts occurring around his tomb. Locals who visit his tomb claim to see an eerie red glow coming from his tomb through the metal bars on the window. One legend claims that on stormy nights, a pack of ghostly hounds come to his tomb, making it easier for his spirit to emerge and hunt. One local story states that if you run around the tomb seven times and stick your hand through the metal bars, it'll be either Squire Cabell or the Devil who bites your fingers

-Read more about it in National Geographic Supernatural Places by Sarah Bartlett

The tomb of Richard Cabell. Legend has it that if you run around it seven times and stick your fingers through the bars, either the Devil himself or Richard Cabell will bite your fingers

22. Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum- Weston, West Virginia

-This rambling stone fortress was built in 1864 as a hospital to treat the mentally ill. At one point, there were over 2,400 patients, far past its maximum capacity. It was supposed to be a place for the mentally ill to get the treatment they needed. but not much was known back then about mental conditions such as schizophrenia, manic depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and more. Many of the patients were subjected to treatments now considered harsh, such as hydrotherapy, electric shock and lobotomies. Nearly 25 years after the doors were closed, a lot of the patients who died within these walls are still said to haunt the location

23. Hotel Monte Vista-Flagstaff, Arizona

-Opened in 1927, it's only natural there's going to be some ghostly activity. The most commonly reported occurrence involves a woman who was a long time resident who lived in Room 305 and would sit a rocking chair and rock for hours. Guests state they still see her rocking away. Others have heard what sounds like a baby crying, seeing a housekeeper doing her duties (despite being dead), the goings on of two prostitutes murdered in Room 306 and a bellboy assisting guests with room service and more. There's even a man who stayed and died in Room 220. He was known for hanging meat from the chandelier

24. Pointsett Bridge-Greenville, South Carolina

-South Carolina has the bragging rights on this being their oldest bridge and also most haunted. The stone mason who helped construct the bridge also died while constructing it, in a none-too-surprising way. While constructing it, he fell into the cement and was buried inside, a common death for bridge builders. Later, a slave was lynched in a nearby tree and even later on, a man died in a car crash at the same spot in the 1950s. These souls are said to still wander the area and paranormal activity is rampant here. At night, visitors report their car stalling, a light would move towards them and they'd hear screaming

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