Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Churchill's Secret Messenger by Alan Hlad

This is a WWII-era historical fiction story and also part love story


-Rose Teasdale is a typist working in Room 60 of the Cabinet War Rooms in London during WWII. Along with the other typists, they type documents that they believe will help win the war, in addition to nightly bombing raids from the Luftwaffe. Because of her strong fluency in French, she is recommended for training at Garramoor House in Scotland, a manor home requisitioned by the British military to train new agents for the Special Operations Executive, or SOE. This organization, created by then Prime Minister Winston Churchill, was created to specialize in reconnaissance, sabotage and espionage, to "set Europe ablaze". While training, she meets a local Scottish girl named Muriel and a French former Grand Prix race car driver named Felix. The three of them are put into a group and given the code name Conjurer

-Lazare Aron is a French Jew with a disabled hand resulting from a printing press accident when he was a child. When his parents are taken away by the Germans, Lazare joins a French Resistance group to help liberate his beloved Paris from the Nazis. His group is told that there will be a group of British agents landing in Paris shortly

-Together, the French Resistance and the British agents in Paris, along with other agents elsewhere, slowly but surely liberate Paris and the rest of Europe from the clutches of the Nazis

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