Monday, October 17, 2011

British Racial Slurs

Now if anyone who reads this is British, please know that I do not think this way. I mean, honestly how can I? What kind of Beatles-loving person would honestly think that?

Some of the most common stereotypes include:
  • Bad teeth, yellow teeth
  • Bad hygiene
  • Snooty, stuck up
  • Boisterous
  • Obsessed with soccer
  • Obessed with the Queen
  • Heavy smokers/drinkers
  • Tight-fitting clothing
  • British men are gay
  • Very mouthy
Another one is that all British men are gay(i.e. Mick Jagger dancing around like he does level gay), or be suave romantic lovers. That British women will be stuck up, or that all British men will have the word Sir before their name (i.e. Sir Michael Caine, Sir Paul McCartney or Sir Mick Jagger) or Dame before their name (i.e Dame Helen Mirren, Dame Maggie Smith). That British men will be tall, thin and ugly or incredibly good looking.

Another one is that all people in England walk around wearing bowler hats, carrying umbrellas with them, saying things like "Cheerio"

Another one, not so much a stereotype but more of a thing to notice, is that women will fall for a good looking guy with an even more sexy English accent. That they'll fall totally head over heels for it. Unfortunately, I fall under that category. IDK, but to me English guys are soooooooooooooooo cute, along with their accents!!

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