Monday, October 3, 2011

Goodbye, Mr. Chips

For some reason, I just really like this movie. It's actually amazing what my dad got me hooked on.,_Mr._Chips_(1969_film)

Goodbye Mr. Chips

Arthur Chipping (Peter O'Toole) is a strict Latin teacher at Brookfield, a prep school in London, England who is called Mr. Chips by his students, who dislike him. Then one night on the eve of his summer vacation, he is in the dining room of London's Savoy Hotel and that's where he meets Katherine Bridges (Petula Clark) a musician with a traveling music troupe who is sad about her romantic life and career. Her and Chips run into each other by chance in Pompeii, Italy. She sees that he is similar to her and she arranges for an evening together at a theatre in London and they slowly begin to fall in love.

When he returns to school for the autumn semester, everyone including the students and staff notice a massive change in him and that's when they find out he's in love. Unfortunately, her past makes a little trouble for the 2 of them, as Katherine's friend Ursula (Sian Philips) helps to thwart Lord Sutterwick's (George Baker) plan of depriving the school of a generous payment because of Katherine's past. But they eventually overcome all obstacles and remain in love, even though her past deprives Chips of being named Headmaster.

In the original version, Katherine died in childbirth, but in this version, she is killed by a German V-1 Flying bomb when it dropped on a local Army camp she and her music troupe were at. When he hears news of his wife's death, it devastates him, but to put him in better moods, he finally becomes Headmaster at Brookfield and lives out his life among the happiness of his students.

If you watch this movie, there's a quite a deal of singing in it, and it also takes place in the time of WWII, when England was getting the hell bombed out of them by the Germans. In the movie, you'll see scenes where they have to duck and cover because of bombs. So that may clear up anything.


Something that's kind of cool is that Michael Regrave is related to actress Natasha Richardson

1 comment:

  1. About Primeval. I watched the first few season that were on BBC America and then it disappeared untill a few months ago it came back for a two weeks then it was gone again. I know it is not canceled in the U.K. because I asked a YouTube friend who lives in the U.K.
