Monday, October 31, 2011

Haunted Alaska, and other states


-The Little Karaoke Place: the Korean owner of this place was killed by Chinese weightlifters in 1999. The spirit of the owner can be seen peeking out through the window


-Dudleyville/Lepsy: in the 1800s, there was a guy named Lepsy who would hire Chinese and other minority workers. When the work was done, instead of payment, he would burn the workers to death. When you apss through the canyon in this area, you can see charred walls, hear screams, smell burning flesh and feel borrible, agonized energies

-OK Corral and surrounding places: it's believed and even witnessed that the ghosts of the Earps and Clanton Brothers are seen around the corral and old western buildings surrouding the corral, gearing for their big shootout.

-Old Church House and Cemetery: there is an old white church house where several women were executed as witches by a vigilante group similar to the KKK, called the Bald Knobbers. Inside the church is inaccessible due to a rotting floor, from the churchyard, a rope can be seen. 2 high school students went there to take names for a research project and they heard screaming and cries for help. They went into the building and seen a rope hanging from the ceiling. One of the girl's feet broke through the floor and they were scared to death beyond the building's general decay and the vicious cloud of yellow jackets whose hive was there. Something menacing and evil wanted them away.


-Black Diamond Mines: these mines are haunted by someone called the White Witch. In her life, her name was Mary. In the 1800s, she was a nanny and all of the children she took care of died of illnesses and she was accused of witchcraft and killed. She guards the mines and is seen all in white
Arroyo Grande
-Rose Victorian Inn/ The Nursery: legend has it that a young girl named Alice haunts this place. Some say she died of pneumonia, others say it was from allergies to bee stings because when they tore down one wall in one fo the bedrooms, there was a towering beehive covering the whole wall. One witness says they seen birds getting sucked into the chimney.

-Bellflower High School: legend has it that in the 1960s, in room B1, in the west end of school a female student named Kaitlyn killed a skinny boy in the class after he called her Chicken Head. She forced him to drink a soda laced with rat poison and when he was out, she dismembered him so she could stuff him into a cabinet. His body had rotted over the long, hot summer. And he was found a by a janitor cleaning up the rooms, preparing them for next semester. Hauntings started here, including the nauseating smell of rotting flesh and appearing/disappearing bloodstains, appearing/disappearing body parts.

-Jack in the Box: in the 1960s, a bunch of hippies went nuts and brutally murdered the workers there. When the store closes, you can hear the hippie's music and music from the decade. When no one is there, you can hear/smell the sizzling of burgers on the grill. The bathroom door opens/shuts by itself, and at 4:34 am, the lights go on and you can see the people who died there
-The Roosevelt Hotel: Marilyn Monroe is said to haunt this hotel. There is a mirror that was originally hanging in her room where she died and that her image is seen in the mirror.
Newport Beach
-Balboa Island: in 1993, 2 kids swimming there were killed by a rip tide. At night, lights can be seen under the water and strange sounds heard
San Diego
-Nijiya Market: this place is a small Japanese-run grocery store. An elderly customer suffered a massive heart attack and died in the store. Objects will fall from shelves, one of the night managers say they hear their name being called, and hear strange noises
San Francisco
-Cameron House: it was owned by a person named Lady Cameron. Her basement was used as a refuge to all Chinese immigrants from a life of slavery and prostitution, in the obvious hell that was Chinatown at the time. The doors were sealed shut to prevent inspections by the police. The people wer thought to have come in through a secret passage and some people burned hte house down. The people died and now the house has been turned into a church and it sends shivers down people's spines. The doors are still sealed, but every door contains a red charm and gold charm to keep the spirits in.

San Jose
-San Jose State University: the old gym was used as a center for Japanese internees during WWII. Crying and voices can be heard.

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