Monday, October 3, 2011

October Birthdays

I want to give a big happy birthday wish to the following people:

Jonas Saulk
-DOB: October 28, 1914
-Discovered a vaccine for polio
Bill Wyman
-October 24, 1936
-Former bass guitarist for The Rolling Stones
Kate Winslet
-DOB: October 5, 1975
-First touch of fame was her appearing on a Sugar Puffs comercial
-Also one of my favorite actresses
Hugh Jackman
-DOB: October 12, 1968
-Best known role: playing mutant Wolverine in X-Men
John Cleese
-DOB: October 27, 1939
-Best known for his role in creating the Monty Python's flying Circus
Ken Watanabe
-DOB: October 21, 1959
-Best known for playing tragic heroes
Tim Robbins
-DOB: October 16, 1958
-Former longtime partner of actress Susan Sarandon

John Lennon
-DOB: Oct. 9, 1940
-Also known as one of the founding members of The Beatles
Margaret Thatcher
-DOB: Oct. 13, 1925
-First female prime minister of Great Britain(England). Either one I guess.

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