Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ghosts from Down Under


New South Wales
-Maitland Jail: many hauntings, lights seen, voices heard, cold spots felt. Considered to be the most haunted place in all of Australia

-Wollongong/Horsley: many years ago, a girl was brutally murdered on the side of the Bong Bong Road. Another girl was brutally murdered a few years later when she was hit by a car. The spirits are said to be angry, looking for their killer.

-Penrith/Orchard Hills: this was once an old Mafia house years ago. In the top tower of the house they would take people who betrayed them and shoot them. At night, the tower light comes on, and a white figure can be seen coming across the front lawn.

-Brisbane/Boogo Road Gaol: this prison is famous for what it called The Black Hole(a series of solitary confinement cells). Home to many tortured souls. Frequent events are held here, like horror movie nights, etc
-Innisfall Cemetery: many old Italian mausoleums. Sounds of heavy, loud breathing can be heard

-Old Melbourne Jail: very famous prisoner died here. Australian outlaw Ned Kelly was hung to death here. It's said that his spirit is frequently seen here, within the walls of this Colonial-era prison where he died.

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