Monday, January 9, 2012

Hola! I'm Back!

Sorry about not putting a new post on here. I was on Christmas break. Well, how was everyone's holidays? Mine was nice, yet weird. Sorry if Little Miss Jaggerfan did not do posts. I was off school, and had Xmas shopping to do! Thank God it's done! Do you know how hard it is to buy for people? HARD!!!!!

Well, for starters, it was the first Christmas without my dad. As you may have read in previous blogs, you'll know my dad died in September, about a month before his 55th birthday and a couple weeks before my 21st birthday. And also, my stepdad's sister Carol had to undergo back surgery and this friend of hers named Jackie was stealing her pain pills to sell. This Jackie chick I swear to God must be a junkie!!! When me and my family were over at my stepdad's mom's house during the summer swimming, she would always invite herself over and she would wear this God awful swimsuit that did not fit a woman her age. She's at least 48 and she dresses like she is 28, she was wearing this God awful red swimsuit with a bottom that ties on both sides and a skimpy bra top. IDK why, but I think this swimsuit has to be the only one she owns. I can't imagine wearing the same swimsuit over and over again without washing it, yuck!!! Yeah, she was stealing pain medication. You see, Carol is the sister of my stepdad Greg. She recently underwent back surgery and somehow, she got an infection in the incision from her surgery that landed her in the hospital for a few days and when she went home, she was given Vicodin from the way I hear it. Anyway, this Jackie chick was stealin' her meds to sell. Personally, this woman sounds like a junkie.

When it came to Christmas, I got clothes, and lots of them! I also got jeans! Ooh, before I forget, I lost 20 pounds, and dropped a jean size. Went from size 12 to size 10. And you wanna know how I did it? Just by playing Just Dance on Wii. And also yesterday, I bought Just Dance 2, to go along with my Just Dance Summer Party. Yeah, I lost weight dancing like a nut!!!! And as for other gifts, I got a book on Mick Jagger from my aunt, it's called Jagger: Rebel, Rambler, Rock Star, Rogue. It's a biography about him and it says things about him I never knew, like for starters, Mick Jagger is half Australian and half British. He gets the Australian part from his mother, Eva Ensley Mary and the half British part obviously from his dad, Basil Fanshawe Jagger, and that when Mick was younger, his dad would often have him doing exercises and that his dad was a gym teacher and his mom was a teacher from Australia. And that Mick works out like a madman, he lifts weights, runs laps, and does cardio work. Man he must be in top shape, better than me, lol!!! And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I bet it would be sexy to watch him work out, lmao!!!! Yeah, I finished this book in a week. Sorry, but it was a good book, and it had cute pictures of him. Yeah, I'm pathetic!!!!!

I also bought some stuff with some of the money I got for Christmas, like when we went to the Kenwood Mall after Christmas, we all, as in my mom, sister, me and stepdad went in FYE(music store), and he bought an Emerson, Lake, Palmer concert, and me, well, it's obvious who I bought a concert for. I bought the movie Let's Spend the Night Together, which is about the Rolling Stones 1981 North American tour and the concert they did in Arizona, at the Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Arizona. I also bought a CD of Lady Gaga, mainly cuz her music is good and I bought a book which I'm halfway through, and also Just Dance 2 and Just Dance Summer Party. I have been playing with either of those games and I somehow managed to drop at least 10-20 pounds and drop down to a size 10 jeans. Yay! I'm so proud of myself, I managed to lose weight! Although, I was never real heavy in the beginning, I was a lil chunky, not by much, but the main reason I bought the Just Dance games is cuz they looked fun. And when you play them, you're having so much fun you don't realize you're getting exercise.

And also, my mom, me and my sis have finally gotten my dad's estate settled. It has taken a lil over a year to get it all done, but we have done it. On Friday Jan. 6, we 3 went to court to get this taken care of and to get my dad's truck title transferred to my sister so we can get rid of it. We're taking it to Miamitown on Friday to junk it, and the money my sis gets from it is going towards car insurance for her new car! Yeah, she got a new car, and this was way before the holidays. She got a 2004 Kia Spectra, in a pretty silver color. And for Christmas, I bought a windsheild scraper with attached brush for her so she can use it in the snow, which is funny cuz we have not had that much snow at all. It sure was not a white christmas around here during the holidays, and my mom bought her an air freshener that looks like a little black Converse high top sneaker. OMG, she loves Converse, she has at least 2 pairs of black high tops which she has managed to spill at least one thing on, like her first pair have bleach stains on them from her job and the other pair are dirty from wear. But all I know is, she's happy. And also she got her birthday gift early on Sunday. My stepdad bought her a pool cue that's pink with skulls on it, yeah, she's into skulls and crossbones, she's somewhat into the Goth stuff. And as for me, I bought myself a couple charms for my bracelet. One is of a Chinese dragon, a Yin and Yang and also, a small red double decker bus that says London on the side. Sorry 2 b predictable, but come on, how often are you going to find a charm like this?????

On Saturday, we all played pool down in the basement. Yup, at my new house, there's a pool table in the basement and a stereo! YAY! We all played pool, so my sis could make use of her new pool cue and we all played and listened to hard rock, especially my stepdad's new Def Leppard CD, and idk why, but I just now noticed that alot of the stuff my stepdad likes is British. Like Premier League soccer: British, alot of the music he listens to: BRITISH!!!! Like David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, Def Leppard, Bad Company, YES, Pink Floyd, The Who, Deep Purple, you name it. And also he likes the occasional American rock, like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Cheap Trick, etc. And as for TV, omg, British TV is something he likes, such as Top Gear, My Family, Mr. Bean, Black Adder, Fawlty Towers, etc.

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