Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Books I Wanna Read...

Here are some books I would love to read.

Immortality Inc: Robert Sheckley. Normally, I don't get into the whole sci-fi theme of reading, but since I know that Freejack is kinda like a version of this book, I'm dead curious to see if the book and the movie resemble each other.

The Joy Luck Club: Amy Tan. I'm curious to see if this book is any good. From what I hear, it's about a group of Chinese American women trying to bond with their "Americanized" daughters.

The Memoirs of a Geisha. I know I might have said this book was boring, but then again, I kinda just breezed through it 'cuz I had like 3 days on it before some little whiny kid at the library wanted to read it, God forbid should this kid actually grow some patience! I shoulda tould this kid the book was about prostitution, man that would changed that kid's little tune, rotflmao!!!! So now I wanna read it, now that I have all the time in the world...

Steven Tyler: Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?

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