Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Sorry I have not been on here doing posts as often as I'd like. I'd been busy lately with this temporary job I have. Yeah, finally after what seemed like 4ever, I have finall found a job!! Woo-hoo!! It's only temporary. It was through a staffing agency near me called Randstad. And my job was originally Mail Room Clerk, sorting through mail and taking care of people's taxes. But now, that has changed. I'm not a Data Entry Clerk, meaning I type in people's info into the computer so it gets taken care of. Yeah, it sounds interesting, mind you there's sarcasm on that. I'll be glad when this job is over! It's not abd, it's more boring than anything, really. OMG, I sound English talking this, lmao. But on May 6, when this job ends, I'm getting another job somewhere else, something more regular, with regular hours. I'm hoping to get a job at FYE, this music/movie store near me. I know about all kinds of movies and music, so I think it would be a natural environment for a pop culture buff such as myself. And I'm also bound and determined to get my license. Which will be I think kinda easy. And when it comes to cars, I want to get either a VW Beetle or a Mini Cooper. IDK why, but I just love those little cars. My sis says that if I get a Mini Cooper, I should deck it out in all things 1960s and London, which I probably would, and as for the VW Bug, it's gonna get hippie-fied!!

But in other news, it's pretty much the same in the Clark-Whetstein camp. Yeah, my last name is Clark, yeah, that's me. And the Whetstein part is the last name of my mom and stepdad. She remarried in 2005 after my parents divorced, but enough of that. Recently, I started reading this book my aunt got me for Christmas, titled Jagger: Rebel, Rambler, Rockstar, Rogue. I don't know why I just now started reading it, but so far, it ain't bad. It's pretty cool. Tells ya that Mick is half Australian, half British. Hmm, best of both worlds, lmao. Also says that he has a brother named Christopher who is said to be living in the shadow of his bro Mick. Basically, anything Chris Jagger does, gets associated with what Mick Jagger does. And as for other blah blah stuff, we, as in my mom, sis, stepdad and me, play pool on Saturday nights when he does not have to work. I'm really thinking about playing my Judas Priest CD down there next time.

Random thought: I think my stepdad might have been reincarnated as a half Italian, half German person. And in a previous life, was British. Cuz he sure does love alot of British stuff, like Premier League Soccer, which his fave teams are the Arsenal Gunners, Manchester United, Tottenham Hotpsurs, Blackburn Rovers, heck, he'll watch ANY British soccer game, does not matter who it is, and as for music, oh brother! He loves ALL kinds of British music, such as: The Rolling Stones, The Dave Clark Five, David Bowie, YES, Bad Company, The Alarm, The Who, you name it, I could go on for hours!!!! I think he was once a British person but was reborn as my stepdad. And I really have to consider the odd possibility that I might be a reincarnated person. I love alot of 60s stuff. I wonder if I was reborn as a hippie who lived in the 1960s? Hmm, that would explain why I have such a fascination with all things British "Swinging" 60s, and American "Woodstock" 1960s.

And in other news, lmao, I'm going on vacation with mi familia in September to Mexico. I think it would be a refreshing change to go on a vacation. And hey, this might be the start to that goal I said I wanted to accomplish of seeing foreign lands. Well, looky looky, it looks like that goal starts with... MEXICO! Besides, I think everyone in my family needs a little R&R, especially me and my sis after dealing with the stress and trauma of what happened in September of 2011.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are back! :D Hope to see some more posts.

