Friday, June 22, 2012

Currently Crushing On...

Jamie Bamber!

What is it about English guys that is so attractive? Maybe it's their accents? God, I wish I knew!

I've recently been catching up on episodes of Law and Order: UK that I've missed. And wow, did I miss alot of them! I've been trying to find them on TV, but it seems they don't play them on TV. The only way I've been able to catch up on watching them is by watching them on YouTube.

Any who, for some reason, Jamie Bamber is so cute! I think his eyes are so beautiful. And it turns out he was also on this episode of Ghost Whisperer, one of my favorite shows. He was on the episode "The Walk-In", where he plays a popular high school jock named Brian Curtis who is killed in a hit and run, and before he crosses over, he wants to go to his high school reunion. On that episode, he spoke with an American accent.

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