Thursday, July 26, 2012

Despicable Me

If you're looking for a funny family movie, begin with this one. It's too funny, you'll be wiping your eyes it's that funny.

Despicable Me
-In a typical suburbia neighborhood sits a black house with dead plants. Here lives Gru, a villain aiming to be the world's best known villain. With the help of his little, yellow minions, he is planning the biggest crime in history: to steal the moon!

-He is armed with weapons galore: a freeze ray, shrink rays, and vehicles for land and air. And one day, when he discovers his shrink ray missing, he finds that it has been stolen by a rival, named Vector, a nerdy geek villain wanna-be. Gru tries every trick in the book to get into his hideout, but no avail.
-Then one day, he spots 3 orphan girls- Agnes, Edith and Margo- selling cookies. He decides to adopt them and use them to get inside the hideout to get the shrink ray. When they look at him for the first time, they see a potential father. While they are busy selling cookies, Gru and 2 of his minions sneak inside. After getting the shrink ray, they must try to sneak out. They eventually get out with the ray
-Over time, the girls begin to have an effect on him: he is really beginning to care for the girls. And Gru is asked by Agnes to make a pinkie promise to come to their recital of "Swan Lake". He just misses it and feels bad about it. When he finds a note there that says "For Dad" he feels loved and sees a V in a circle, meaning Vector. He realizes Vector has kidnapped the girls in exchange for the moon.

-Then as he is leaving, Dr. Nefarious calls Gru and tells him that the shrink ray wears off, that the bigger an object is, the faster the effect wears off. And this is soon evident when Vector is driving, the Moon is growing and growing, throwing his ship off balance.
-Gru catches up with him and rescues all 3 girls, and Vector lands on the moon with just a helmet on. And towards the end, Gru and his mother and all the minions sit down to watch the girls perform their recital. Then one minion decides to shake things up by putting on You Should Be Dancing by The Bee Gees and things start getting wild. Dr. Nefarious and Gru's mother are dancing and Gru is showing off his disco moves.  The movie ends with Gru, Agnes, Edith and Margo all looking at the moon from a raised platform, with Agnes on Gru's shoulder like a loving father.
-Steve Carell: Gru
-Jason Segel: Vector
-Russell Brand: Dr. Nefarious
-Julie Andrews: Gru's mother
-Will Arnett: Mr. Perkins
-Kristen Wiig: Miss Hattie
-Miranda Cosgrove: Margo
-Dana Gaier: Edith
-Elsie Kate Fisher: Agnes
-Pierre Coffin: Tim, Bob, Mark, Phil, Stu the Minions
-Chris Renaud: Dave the Minion
-Jack McBrayer: Carnival attendant
-Danny McBride: Fred McDade
-Mindy Kaling: Tourist mother
Did You Know?
-In Gru's lair, the NBC logo is visible above the Jumbotron
-Steve Carell says that his accent for Gru rests between Ricardo Montalban and Bela Lugosi
-During the final dance sequence, the DJ minion is using something called a "Gru-Ray disc", with the same color and font style as a Blu-Ray disc
-When Gru is going to the Bank of Evil, above the door it reads "Formerly Lehman Brothers"
-Vector is a lefty. You can see evidence of this when he is in his lair playing the Nintendo Wii
-When Gru speaks to Miss Hattie in Spanish, he says that her face is 'como un burro', meaning "like a donkey"
-The gibberish that the minions speak was created by the directors, into something called "Minion-ese"
-Gru's name is taken from the Russian Military Department GRU, which is basically the Russian Intelligence Agency, Russia's answer to the CIA
-Gru's body language and appearance were said to resemble British comic character Grimly Feendish
-For the movie, the directors wanted comics so they could improvise their lines and make the movie funnier(i.e. Russell Brand and Steve Carell)
-On the poster inside Gru's house is a wanted poster for Jesse James, a famous outlaw from the Wild West
-Super Silly Fun Land is based on Pacific Park in Santa Monica, CA, also on a pier

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