Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Music Crushes

I was inspired by another blogger who posted pics of her music crushes, so maybe I'll do it. There's one I'm leaving out though, you can imagine who that might be... Here's a hint: His last name is my username!!

Steven Tyler
-IDK why, he's just hot!!! Maybe it's because he's Italian? IDK. With him being Italian, he just gets hotter and sexier!! He may be in his own little galaxy far, far away, but I think he's still pretty cute!!! It seems like he can rock the big lip look!

Joe Perry
-What a hot hunk of Italian hottie

Ronnie Wood
-He may look worse for wear, but at least he's never cheated on anyone that I know of. He may have been in rehab for alcohol abuse, but he's never cheated on anyone. Besides, he looks like such a sweetie!!! He may have wrinkles, but I think he looks very good for his age, despite what some may think!! You probably know me by now, I could give a rat's butt what people think about me!!!Besides, what respect for Mick Jagger I had as a person went out the window when I heard about him hitting on Pippa Middleton. Seriously? WTF? The guy is older than her!!!!! The only respect I have for Mick is as a musician. Other than that, he no longer has my respect. He's nothing but an old skirt chaser!

Paul Stanley
-Cutie from KISS. He's one of the better looking guys from KISS
Now, this kind of stuff is what I respect about guys. You got Paul Stanley, this huge rock star, and here he is with his family. That is so sweet of him, and that's what I think makes him sexy. He cares about family. A guy who cares about family is sexier than anyone!
  Tommy Thayer
-Other hottie from KISS

Stevie Van Zandt
-Like the traditional rule where everyone is better looking in their younger years, Stevie van Zandt was hot in his younger years and is still not too bad looking, except for the slight weight gain, lol
Jon Bon Jovi
-He's Italian, he's gorgeous, he can sing, he can dance. What can't this hunk do? He's HOT!!!!!!!!

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