Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Dead Pool

The Dead Pool
-After testifying in court to put a key mob figure in San Quentin, Dirty Harry gets unwanted fame. To make matters worse, Homicide wants him to play nice with the media. Elsewhere, a British horror film director, named Peter Swan, is in town to shoot a video for a drug addict rock star named Johnny Squares. He starts a little game with his crew called "The Dead Pool", which consists of celebrities they think will die, whether it be from natural causes or high risk professions, and when Squares overdoses and dies, Dirty Harry is assigned to the case. That's when he discovers the game and finds he's on the list too.

-And to add, Dirty Harry must also contend with a reporter named Samantha Walker who wants to do a story on him, and he finds she is on the list too. The investigation all points to Peter, since most of the celebs that are dying are the ones on his 'list'. So Dirty Harry and the reporter must stop the killer before he is next to die.

-Clint Eastwood: Insp. 'Dirty Harry' Callahan
-Patricia Clarkson: Samantha Walker
-Liam Neeson: Peter Swan
-Evan C. Kim: Peter Swan
-David Hunt: Harlan Rook
-Michael Currie: Capt. Donnelly
-Anthonyy Charnota: Lou Janero
-Jim Carrey: Johnny Squares

Did You Know?
-This film has a song that made the Top 10 charts as a non single. It was Guns N Roses' hit "Welcome to the Jungle"
-When the character Samantha Walker is having dinner with Harry, she mentions his police career and pulls out a notebook with news clippings, including one that says "Scorpio Killer Captured", which was the villain in the first film

-There were real SFPD cruisers used for this movie
-This was the shortest of all the Dirty Harry movies at 91 minutes
-In the funeral scene, the members of Guns N Roses(Izzy Stradlin, Slash, Axl Rose, Duff McKagan, Steven Adler) appear. Also, their song "Welcome to the Jungle" is in the movie

-When the nightmare scene is happening, the harpoon that is shot through the window was shot by Slash, a guitarist with Guns N Roses

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