Friday, September 28, 2012


-Peter Pan has grown up and has become a lawyer. He is married to Wendy's granddaughter Moira. One day, they fly off to England to visit her family and one night, while they are out, Captain Hook breaks in and kidnaps the children. In order to rescue them, he must remember who he was, Peter Pan. And with the help of his once trusty sidekick Tinkerbell, he goes to Neverland to face off against Captain Hook and rescue his kids

-Robin Williams: Peter Banning
-Dustin Hoffman: Captain Hook
-Julia Roberts: Tinkerbell
-Bob Hoskins: Smee
-Maggie Smith: Granny Wendy
-Caroline Goodall: Moira Banning
-Charle Korsmo: Jack Banning
-Amber Scott: Maggie Banning
-Laurel Cronin: Liza, Wendy's housekeeper
-Phil Collins: Insp. Good
-Arthur Malet: Tootles
-Danye Basco: Rufio

Did You Know?
-After a lengthy and complex scene was cut, actor Bob Hoskins bought beer for 300+ extras
-When the Bannings are on their way to England, the voice of the pilot, who says "This is your captain speaking", is none other than Dustin Hoffman
-The young Peter Pan is played by Dustin Hoffman's real son
-Dustin Hoffman's kid are in the movie. His son Max Hoffman plays 5 year old Peter Pan, his daughter Rebecca plays Jane in the play at the start of the movie, and his oldest son Jake is a Little League player in Jack's baseball game
-On the door to Wendy's house are the names of the original Lost Boys
-One of the pirates who tries to steal Peter's shoes in Neverland is played by singer Jimmy Buffett
-The original play only had 6 Lost Boys: Slightly, Tootles, Nibs, Curly, and the Twins
-The word 'bangarang' is Jamaican slang for disturbance, uproar
-David Bowie turned down the role of Capt. Hook
-When Peter finds his kids missing, the main inspector, though somewhat unrecognizable, is famous rock singer Phil Collins. He's wearing gold rimmed glasses and speaks with a strong London accent

-Maggie Smith, who played the older Wendy Darling, was 57 at the time, even though her character was supposed to be 92

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