Friday, September 7, 2012

Leon: The Professional

Leon: The Professional

-Mathilda is a 12 year old living a nightmare of a life with her half-family in New York. Her father is involved with drugs, storing them for a dirty cop named Norman Stansfield. The only thing that keeps Mathilda from losing it is her little brother. One day, Stansfield shows up and slaughters her entire family. She survives because she was out shopping. She then seeks solace in the apartment of a hit man named Leon, who is coincidentally her neighbor.

-She eventually learns that her mysterious neighbor is a hit man and she asks for his help in getting revenge on the man who killed her little brother. When it comes to being the father of a 12 year old girl, Leon is unexperienced in every way, shape and form. But he does his best to keep her out of trouble. The hit man slowly begins to feel a fatherly love for the girl as he teaches her about the tricks of his trade.
-Jean Reno: Leon
-Gary Oldman: Stansfield
-Natalie Portman: Mathilda
-Danny Aiello: Tony
-Peter Appel: Malky
-Willie One Blood: 1st Stansfield man
-Michael Badalucco: Mathilda's dad
-Ellen Greene: Mathilda's mom
-Elizabeth Regen: Mathilda's sister
-Carl J. Matusovich: Mathilda's brother

Did You Know?
-Natalie Portman was originally turned down for the role of Mathilda because she was too young. But she returned and did the scene where she grieves the loss of her brother and that got her the part
-Keith A. Glascoe, who played Benny, joined the New York Fire Department and was assigned to Ladder 21 in Hell's Kitchen. He ended up dyiny courageouly in the World Trade Center bombing on Sept. 11, 2001
-Natalie Portman's film debut. She was only 11
-Liv Tyler was considered for the part of Mathilda. but she was 15 and deemed too old
-The pistols Leon uses are Beretta 92 FS's

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