Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Stanley vs. Tyler


Paul Stanley and Steven Tyler fight!

Kiss member Paul Stanley is firing on all cylinders as he fights off a remark made by Aerosmith front man Steven Tyler, about Kiss being "a comic book rock band"

Tyler was less than pleased when he was asked about the comment by a radio DJ in Tampa, Florida. When asked, he replied "They've got a couple of hits, but they're more, they're comic book- you see them in their spackled faces, It is different- a Kiss lick and a Joe Perry lick- two different worlds, and sometimes depending on the time of day I get offended [by comparisons]"

On Monday, Oct. 15 during an appearance on a rock radio show called Rockline, Stanley was quoted as saying "Maybe Steven's feeling a bit full of himself because he has an album coming out... When [the Aerosmith] album comes out, let's put [it next to ours] and let the music do the talking"

Stanley then thought about when Kiss toured with Aerosmith in 2003. He said that even then Tyler had an attitude. "Steven insisted that they close the show. I really [didn't] care because one way or the other you have to come up onstage. [He] was looking down his nose a bit at Kiss. Seeing him come onstage to an underwhelmed audience and [seeing] people walking out [made me smile]. He also added that "Steven may have been over-enthused and needs a reality check"

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