Monday, November 19, 2012

Kicked Out of a Concert?

See how some of your favorite rockstars get kicked out of concerts the way only fame can do for them
Kicked Out?

Guns N' Roses fan tossed out due to T-shirt
-Fan was wearing shirt referencing old lineup, which included Slash. During the mid 2000s, Axl rose seen a fan in the audience wearing a shirt offending the band and he got security on the guy

Paul Stanley is fired up!
-Kiss guitarist Paul Stanley is normally one not to lose his cool. But when an audience member started heckling the guitarist on stage, he fired back on all cylinders. It's not clear what the heckler in the audience said, but Stanley responded " That's right. I f---ed your mother. Say hi to your dad"

Beer getting tossed at AC/DC
-Angus Young, known for his schoolboy uniform, broke the nose of an audience member when the audience member started tossing beer cans at him while onstage.

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