Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dear Santa...

I know I'm a little old to be asking Santa for something for Christmas, but maybe he'll bring me something, idk.

Here's my 'Santa List'

Dear Santa

What do I want for Christmas, you may ask? All I want for Christmas is for me and my mom to find jobs. For her, a job that she will like, that will pay good, and also have employees who pull their weight, instead of sitting around daydreaming, texting and shooting the breeze. Because recently, her own boss Nick screwed any chances she could have had at a job. He said that she tends to get a little upset when she is overwhelmed with work. Seriously? Who doesn't get upset when they get overwhelmed? That is not right of him to do that. So please, help her get a good job. What I want is nothing more than to find a job. I was holding some high hopes that this local bank called Fidelity Investments would call me back if they were interested in me as a possible future employee in the mail room at the Taylor Mill location. I was told by one of the HR reps there that a phone interview would be conducted at 3pm. That came and went. No 3pm phone interview yet. So, I'm givin' up hope on that one! Please help me find a job, along with my mom! She needs it just as bad as I do. And really, that's it. That's all I want. I don't want any material possessions, don't need 'em. Just help me and my mom find a job

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