Monday, February 4, 2013

Crocodile Dundee II

Crocodile Dundee II

-Leaving off from the first one, 'Crocodile' Dundee and Sue are on the run from New York drug lords after Sue has solid evidence that could put them away for murder. So, to keep her safe, Mick takes her back to Australia. When the drug lords follow them there, Mick shows them who's boss with his Australian Outback skills

-Paul Hogan: 'Crocodile' Dundee
-Linda Kozlowski: Sue Charlton
-John Meillon: Walter Reilly
-Ernie Dingo: Charlie
-Steve Rackman: Donk
-Gerry Skilton: Nugget
-Jim Cooper: Doringo Brother
-Sam Cooper: Doringo Brother
-Hechter Ubarry: Luis Rico

Did You Know?

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