Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Study Abroad!

This is one thing that I would have loved to do!!

Unfortunately, my currently stupid school is too poor to actually do anything fun like that. Can you imagine the learning possibilities of studying abroad? The learning possibilities could be endless!! If I had enough money to go to Northern Kentucky University, one of the biggest universities near me in Kentucky, I would have signed on to study abroad in a heartbeat!! But the only bad thing is: I wouldn't know where to go! If I were a student there, I'd probably have the professor rolling on the floor laughing at my high level of excitement at doing something like this. So, about 2 minutes ago, I was bored and looking at random stuff on the Internet as usual and decided to see what NKU had to offer. They have tons of stuff to offer. I should have gone into something like Criminal Justice. For some odd reason, Law just interests me for some odd reason! Here is the site http://nku.edu/. They offer all kinds of Study Abroad programs. If I get enough money, I think I'm gonna go for Criminal Justice. Change around a few goals on my 'bucket list'. Instead of graduating for Graphic Design, I'm gonna try Criminal Justice and see what happens! If I study abroad, I might make some new friends?
Northern Kentucky University
Study Abroad
You can choose from:

Academic Exchanges
-Most independent study abroad program offered at NKU
-Students can spend a semester or academic year in one of the various exchange universities
-These experiences offer a very unique insight into the local culture and customs, a chance to improve a foreign language skill and a unique way to learn about culture
-The exchange universities working with NKU are as follows:
-Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia
-Would love to study here!

-Not too bad here, either

Costa Rica
-National University

-Aarhus School of Business

-University of San Francisco in Quito

-University of East London
-Wouldn't mind studying here. I hear the schools in England are excellent! 5 star level education!

-University of Caen-Basse-Normandie
-Gifu University
-Nanzan University
-Here would be pretty interesting!
Gifu University
-Sookmyung Women's University

The Netherlands
-The Hague University of Applied Sciences

-Cebu Technological University

-Babes-Bolyai University

-Peoples Friendship University of Russia
-It may be cold, but I bet it would be pretty!

-Glasgow Caledonian University

-University of Leon

-National Chengchi University
Short-Term Programs
-Many take place over Spring and May break, but can be offered any time of year
2012/2013 Winter Programs
-Nursing/Social Work: India. Dr. Giri
-Art: Hong Kong/Macau
2013 Spring Break Programs
-Alternative Spring Break: Mexico City, Mexico
-Biology: Costa Rica
-Art: Paris & Amsterdam
-History: Italy
2013 NKU May/Summer Programs
-Honors/Theatre: Barbados
-Biology/Geology: Belize

Cooperative Center for Study Abroad
-Higher education program with 24 colleges/universities working in it. These colleges/universities are located in Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Tennessee.
-Winter break foreign exchange programs are offered in Australia, England, India and Ireland
Summer programs are offered in Belize, England, Hong Kong, Ireland, Scotland, and West Africa
-There are also internship programs that are offered in Dublin and Sydney, but a fall semester program is offered in England

Kentucky Institute for International Studies
-All programs are in non-English speaking countries
-There are 25 summer programs offered in Canada, Europe, Latin & South America, Africa and Asia
-Semester programs offered in France, Germany, Mexico and Spain
-Some of the offered programs are language-intensive and others are for interested students who wish to improve foreign language skills

International Student Teaching
-Students in the Education program are highly encouraged to take part in international student teaching.
-This program offers many advantages, such as: 1.) learning about a new culture, 2.) Learning new ways of teaching and learning, 3.) Learn about diversity and sensitivity, 4.) Learn how to connect with overseas classrooms, 5.) Learn to become a worldly, global citizen

Non-NKU Programs
-Students can happily embark on study abroad programs offered by another university or organization. But, in order to be eligible for NKU Study Abroad scholarships, you must receive approval from the Office of Education Abroad

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