Thursday, March 14, 2013

10 Day Challenge

I've found this interesting little 10 day challenge on the internet. Here's how it goes. Each day, you put something
  1. Day 1: 1 person you can trust
  2. Day 2: 2 things you wish you could do
  3. Day 3: 3 words you can't go without using
  4. Day 4: 4 memories u can't forget
  5. Day 5: 5 things you can't live without
  6. Day 6: 6 songs you're addicted to
  7. Day 7: 7 fears
  8. Day 8: 8 things that annoy you
  9. Day 9: 9 things you do everyday
  10. Day 10: 10 random facts about you
I found it on Tumblr, in case anyone is curious.

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