Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Good News in the World of Rock Music

Peter Criss is to receive the American Cancer Society's Humanitarian of the Year Award!
Former Kiss drummer Peter Criss is up front about his battle with breast cancer, yes guys can get this too! He has been working like a dog over the past few years to Educate guys about the risks and warning signs of this disease, that was only thought to have afflicted women

And because of his hard work, he is the recipient of the American Cancer Society's Humanitarian of the Year Award. He will receive the honor on March 9, at the ACS's Hope Lounge Gala, at the Encore Club in Freehold, N.J.

He spoke with UCR (Ultimate Classic Rock) in October 2011 about it, which each year, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. “Look out for bumps and pain, a kind of pain where you just know — this is a kind of pain I’ve never had before,” he recalled. “I’ve had cysts and I remember them and I remember the doctor taking them out. This was different, it hurt like hell, it got bigger as I screwed around with it. I don’t know why, of all things, cause men just don’t think of breast cancer, we just don’t, but I swear, buddy I just knew that breast cancer had hit me for some reason.”

He was lucky enough to get treatment to stop it dead in its tracks before it spread. He had this to say about it: “The minute you feel something, I don’t care if it’s under your arm or your leg or your testicles or behind your ear. You must tell someone or go to your doctor immediately,” he stressed. “Just sitting around, you won’t be here next year.”

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