Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Joe Perry and Steven Tyler Perform Benefit Concert

Joe Perry/Steven Tyler
Taking time off their Aerosmith winter tour, they put their time to good use by performing a benefit concert on Sunday, March 10, they performed a concert to benefit victims of sexual abuse. They performed the concert at John Varvatos's clothing store in West Hollywood

The money they raised went to the Stuart House, a rape treatement center that specializes in the sexual abuse of children, which is located in Santa Monica. They performed mostly Aerosmith songs with a makeshift backup band. And out in the audience, Slash, from Guns N' Roses, was in attendance. He joined Tyler up on stage for 'Mama Kin'

Tyler told Rolling Stone “It’s about John’s passion for children and this endeavor he’s doing,” The band tackled the sticky subject of sexual abuse in the song "Janie's Got A Gun". And when the song was released, Tyler was told that he had to change a line. In the line "He raped a little baby", he had to change it to something else so it could play on the radio. He also mentioned “It’s about the swept-under-the-rug thing with kids where they’re so young, they don’t know what’s going on, they’ve been abused sexually and they think it’s their fault, which is a travesty beyond travesties.”

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