Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Vince Neil Undergoes Surgery

Vince Neil
When Motley Crue was doing a concert Sunday, March 10, in Sydney, Australia, it had to be cut short because lead singer Vince Neil had to be rushed to the hospital to have surgery to remove the kidney stones inside him. The surgery was successful and now the singer is in recovery

Bassist Nikki Sixx went on to pride the strength of the singer, saying "he's a true warrior". He also went on to say that just before showtime, Neil was doubled over in pain, and warned him not to try and perform.  “But Vince said he couldn’t do that to the fans,” Sixx recounted. “I’ve seen Vinnie go onstage with broken bones, his voice completely blown out and torn ligaments but he never ever cancels…Just like an athlete you sometimes have to play through the pain but last night it became too excruciating.”

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