Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Aww, How Sad Is This?

Tony Iommi says "He's not ready to go"
I hope he feels better soon :)

With a new album ready to be released and a tour to support it all around the corner, Black Sabbath is about to become some serious workhorses. As it all was coming together nicely, Tony Iommi had a cancer diagnosis scare that nearly derailed this 'crazy train' band

It was always thought there were difference between him and Ozzy. They were never personal, in fact, it was Ozzy himself who suggested Tony get checked out by doctors. Thinking back on it, Iommi said  “I was gutted. I went home thinking, ‘Christ, that’s it, I’ve had it!’ Cancer meant death to me. I started writing myself off. I would lie awake at night, thinking about selling this, getting rid of that and preparing everything: who should speak at my funeral and where I’d want to be buried. But I also kept thinking, ‘I’m not ready to go yet. I’ve got too much to do, and I like being here.’”

Nowadays, he's on a strict treatment plan, consisting of a daily anti-biotic drip, meaning visits to the hospital every 6 weeks, thus ever so slightly halting long term tour plans. He said "The tour dates are arranged so that I can always get back for treatment." “It’s the only way I can manage my illness and keep on the road. I’d love to play more shows than we’re doing, but my health has to be sorted out first.”

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