Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wanna Anger Steven Tyler? Here's How!

Keep comparing him to Mick Jagger

For years, Steven Tyler, with his big lips and high energy, has been compared to his cock-sure strutting, high energy British "twin" Mick Jagger

Steven Tyler and Aerosmith have endured a long, hard battle during their career. They've had their ups and downs. But, that doesn't mean that getting remarks about their lead singer looking like Mick Jagger from the early years still don't hurt

Tyler says to Rolling Stone Magazine "The ‘cheap imitation of the Rolling Stones‘ criticism was constant,”  “And it hurt for the first couple of years. It was constantly Mick Jagger this and Mick Jagger that — that I copied him, and Janis Joplin too. Mick was the cheapest, easiest shot.”

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