Friday, May 31, 2013

Lawsuits and rock bands sometimes go hand in hand...

Here are some of the most famous 'rock lawsuits'

Bright Tunes vs. George Harrison
-Copyright infringement is the leading cause of lawsuits in the rock world. George Harrison found this out when he released his first solo hit 'My Sweet Lord' after the breakup of the Beatles. The lawsuit said that the song had a too similar melody to "He's So Fine" by The Chiffons
Suicide by song?
-In 1990, Judas Priest was ordered to make an appearance in court. Their album, Stained Class, was to blame. There was a track on the album, "Better By You, Better Than Me", that was thought to have contained lyrics urging suicide on. They were sued by the family of James Vance, who had been smoking marijuana, drinking. He then shot himself after listening to Priest
Roger Waters vs. Pink Floyd
-David Gilmour and Roger Waters, the creative songwriting team of Pink Floyd, have bickered for years as most singers and musicians tend to do. Roger Waters went to the High Court in 1985 to say that Pink Floyd should be barred from using the name 'Pink Floyd' without his consent
-In Oct. 1984, 19 year old John McCollum committed suicide in his room in Indio, California. When it was quickly assumed that the gun shot wound was self-inflicted, they decided it was not his fault. Instead, they decided to lay the blame on rock music. It was discovered that he was listening to 'Suicide Solution', from the album Blizzard of Ozz, a solo album by Ozzy Osbourne.

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