Monday, June 10, 2013

Moments that almost destroyed Rock music as we know it

Here are some moments that almost destroyed the mind blowing genre known as rock!

Pink Floyd almost destroying rap
-A Momentary Lapse of Reason, turned into a rap song
Keith Richards almost loses 'Satisfaction'
-Considered one of the greatest rock songs in music history, this song was almost all written in his sleep. In 1965, The Stones scored with this major hit, but Keith Richards almost didn't finish the song. While at a motel in Florida, after a concert, he came up with the lyrics
John Lennon saying the Beatles are bigger than Jesus
-Not surprisingly, his words were taken out of context. In 1966, Lennon had an interview with the London Evening Standard about the Beatles popularity, saying  “We’re more popular than Jesus now.” It was taken out of context in the US
Ozzy Osbourne nearly passes out during audition for Randy Rhodes
-In 1979, the band was auditioning Randy Rhodes for guitarist. Rhodes didn't want to, just doing it at the insistence of a friend because he was not even a fan. Osbourne gave him the job before passing out
Jethro Tull beats Metallica for Best Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Grammy
-In 1988, metal was ready to make the leap in to mainstream music with Metallica. They were nominated for a Grammy for Best Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Band, but to add insult to injury, they did not get the revered Grammy. Instead, it went to British prog-rockers Jethro Tull

Slash auditions for Poison
-In the mid 80s, the L.A. Strip was the place to be. This place was teeming with glam metal and heavy metal and hard rockers looking to strike it rich. This is the stomping grounds where Guns N' Roses got their start along with glam rockers Poison. But, the top hat wearing guitarist Slash actually auditioned for Poison, a band he claimed to hate because of their makeup and costumed look
Nikki Sixx pronounced legally dead
-During the '80s, excess in booze, drugs and girls all went hand in hand. Some can handle the combo, some can't. On Dec. 23, 1987. Nikki Sixx was declared legally dead after a fatal overdose. He was eventually revived and this led to the band's most famous hit "Dr. Feelgood", which came around after the incident
Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi loses tips of fingers
-In the world of heavy metal, this guy is revered as the Godfather. But, his career was almost slammed to a halt. When he was 17, he worked in a sheet metal factory and was involved in an incident that cost him the tips of his middle and ring fingers on his right hand. As a result, he plays a tuned down guitar to make it easier, which, in turn, helped to shape the unique sound that is Black Sabbath
There's just something about this guy worth liking

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