Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Could this be Black Sabbath's last tour?

Could be...
If Black Sabbath guitarist Geezer Butler is to be believed, you may want to attend the nearest Black Sabbath concert soon. Because he thinks this might be their last tour for good!

“I’ve always said as long as I can play, as long as I can do it to a good level, then I’ll keep doing it, because I still really enjoy playing,” Butler told the Chicago Sun-Times. ”I’ll know when the day comes I can’t do this anymore, can’t play to my usual standards. That’s when I won’t go out anymore. I won’t do that to me self. But at the moment, I just love playing with the band. It probably will be the last time, will probably be the last tour. But I want to go out on a high. The band is playing really well at the moment.”

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