Wednesday, October 2, 2013

40 years ago: Don Kirshner's Rock Concert

Don Kirshner's Rock Concert
-Despite falling from the UK charts, Mark Bolan proves they still got it
New York Dolls
-They inspired everyone from Guns N' Roses to The Ramones
The Sensational Alex Harvey Band
-This band is a virtual unknown
Black Sabbath
-They recently released their Sabotage album
-Also a virtual unknown
-This was done shortly after Neil Peart joined on as drummer
Electric Light Orchestra
-Recently released their album Face the Music
-They were currently working on their Rock and Roll Over album then
The Ramones
-This gave everyone an idea into what was going on in the New York City punk music scene
-They first came to attention on Saturday Night Live in 1978, but this only propelled them to national attention

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