Sunday, September 8, 2019

Day 3-Your Definition of Love

I've never been the object of affection from the opposite sex nor have I ever had a boyfriend or gone out on a date. So for this one, I am truly unsure of what I could say

I suppose the only things I could say would be that my definition of love is finding someone who appreciates you for who you are. Someone who has at least one or two or more things in common. Someone who gets your way of thinking, makes you laugh until it hurts, is there for you when you are sad. Someone who can not only be your true love, but your best friend. Sometimes best friends up making the best relationships. My mom and stepdad are a great example. They started out as friends but then fell for each other and are going strong 13 years later.

I suppose that if love is truly meant for me, I wouldn't mind meeting someone who has something in common with me, makes me feel good about myself without having some sort of ulterior motive, someone I can make feel good about themselves, someone to laugh with, to cry with. Someone to be the rock of strength when I need it and for me to do the same in return.

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