Sunday, September 29, 2019

Day 7-What You Hate Most

I hate a lot of things. Here are some...

-I've always hated racism. Why do we all have to hate? If people think that racism died out in the 1960s, you're wrong. Racism is still alive and well and getting stronger every day. People want to hate others simply because they are different. Because they practice different religions. Because they love same sex people rather than opposite sex people. Because they speak different languages or are of a different ethnicity or come from a different country. It pains me to know that this still exists. It makes me cry when I hear just how brutal some people can be simply because someone is different. My mother and father may have been racist, but thankfully they raised me and my sister to be very open and tolerant of everyone. I am so thankful of that. If I going to not like someone, it's not going to be based on their skin color or race. It's going to be because they did something to me to make me lose my respect and trust for them.

-As a victim of bullying herself, I can say I hate it. Me and my sister hate it. Our own father bullied us growing up, in addition to classmates doing it. We were made fun of for everything and it's no wonder we have trust issues. We don't trust anyone, which is why we are both single. We have self-esteem and self-confidence issues. We both worry about what someone is thinking about us.

Showing off a lot of $$$
-What I mean is when you hear about these musicians, athletes, actors and others with a lot of money buying all this expensive stuff, probably just to show off. If I had even half the money that these people had, I would spend on things that I needed. Like home improvements for the house me, my mom, stepdad and sister live in. I would take my family on a weeklong trip to Tahiti because my mom and stepdad love it there. I would donate some to charity. I would use it for good. It makes me sick to hear about how some of these people are blowing all their money on expensive crap they don't need. It's just like the lottery. These people win millions and billions and they spend, spend, spend and before they know it, they're living on the streets, homeless. It just pains me to think about how some people can spend like there's no tomorrow when I am working a regular job and can only dream of doing things sometimes. I can only dream of travelling the world, but it costs a lot of money and I have to save up a lot. Basic point-it's stupid to spend money like that. It's ridiculous!!

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