Friday, September 13, 2019

Travelling: The Next Great Confidence Builder

We all may or may not have issues with confidence. Some are happy go lucky, confidence off the charts. Others may be more reticent, shy, not a lot of confidence. Did you know that travelling can build up that confidence? Here's how.

1. You develop better financial skills
-When you have those destinations in mind, you tend to start saving up. You become more financially savvy. Everyone knows that to travel, you need a lot of $$$$. If you can budget yourself on vacation, odds are high that you can budget yourself back home. When you're away on vacation, it's probably a knee jerk reaction to buy anything that looks cool. The most important thing is to know how much money you are going to need to survive the trip. If you can carefully manage the money you have to be able to get everything you need for your trip, you will be good and you can transfer these skills into everyday life. One piece of advice-when travelling through Europe, Australia, Asia, there are no such things as "all inclusive". This term refers to something that a lot of tropical destinations engage in. It means everything is paid for. The only money you bring is for tips and souvenirs.
2. Learning a foreign language
-Everyone at one point or another in their life has been interested in learning a foreign language. I know I have and I know I am. It's said that through learning a foreign language you are looking at the world through a new set of eyes. Taking a class on foreign languages is great, but what is even greater is talking to the locals, engaging in conversation with them and asking them what words mean in their language. They will be more than flattered that you are taking an interest in their culture and language and be more than willing to help. Learning a new language helps you learn how interact with your surroundings in new ways. You will have an increased capacity for action and doing things and as such, you can tackle challenges easier
3. Independence
-There is a vast world of difference between travelling as a group and going solo. When going solo, you essentially have to become a jack-of-all-trades, a sort of Bear Grylls-type person to survive. Not to the extent of Bear Grylls, but you will need the skills necessary to solve problems should they come your way. Knowing how to do basics such as sew, cook, fix a bike, camp or even drive will boost your confidence ten fold and let you know you can survive

4. Meeting new people
-For some, the shy people mostly, meeting new people is a daunting task. What do you say to start the conversation? Unless your itinerary is camping in a wooded area, odds are high that you will be meeting other people. It's mind blowing the way humans interact with other humans. Anthropologists would have a field day studying humans and their interactions with other humans, rofl. If you are travelling to a country where English is not the primary language, it could look like a jumbled mess. It'll be almost to the point of frustration to reach some point of understanding between you and the other person, but the reward is worth going for. Getting to know others and their way of life shows that person you are taking interest in their culture. Most if not all people are flattered when people take interest in their culture. Talking to others and meeting new people can help you recognize the sensitivities and desires of other people. You can even have the confidence to help change someone's life for the better. And in the process, even make a new friend or two

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