Monday, October 14, 2019

Day 11-A Confession

This is going to be interesting!

Something that hardly anyone ever knows about me is that when I was 16, I contemplated suicide. I was bullied very badly throughout most of my life, by both classmates at school and my own biological father. He would bully both me and my sister, calling us names, making fun of us. I seriously contemplated suicide as a teen. But I didn't do it. That would be selfish. That would leave my sister alone with our jerk of a dad. Suffice to say, at his funeral no tears were shed from me or my sister. Mostly just resentment at having to waste time there. Please forgive me for speaking so cruel about the dead, but I just can't find it in my heart, nor can my sister, to forgive him for the way he treated us. Because of that, me and my sister don't have dreams of doing things much anymore. We don't have any self-confidence or self-esteem. We are always pointing out our own flaws and mistakes. He essentially verbally abused us. We would be grounded in our room for the slightest things, such as having a bad grade in math or being accused of hitting a classmate when we didn't do it. Or for speaking to him with an attitude. He thought he was tough, punishing us for the littlest infraction, but all he was doing was pushing us away.

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