Sunday, October 6, 2019

Day 8-What You Like About the Opposite Sex

Considering I have never had a boyfriend or dated before, here goes nothing....

When it comes to relationships, I wouldn't mind meeting someone who actually has something in common with me. Like I said up above, I have never dated, so I am completely unsure what it is about the opposite sex I like. If it does come to relationships, I wouldn't mind someone who has something in common with me. Someone who makes me feel special as I would make them feel special. A romantic side would be good. A guy who likes doing romantic gestures as I would return the romantic gestures right back. Who says guys don't love a little return romance from the lady? Also, funny. I love to laugh. A guy who can make me laugh until I cry would be good. Someone to listen to, to be a shoulder to cry on as I would be for them would be cool too. And most importantly, someone who doesn't put me down, make fun of my flaws, belittle me, make me feel worthless.

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