Sunday, December 15, 2019

Day 13-Something You Wish You Could Have Done Differently

This will be short

I simply wish I could have never gone to college. I should have known it was going to be a failure, but I wanted to try it to see if I could hack it. I thought I did fairly well, going to a small community college for graphic design. I did fairly well in almost all of the classes except for Package Design. It was taught by a woman who worked at P&G (Procter & Gamble), a very large company based right here in Cincinnati. She told me all sorts of nasty things. Here are some of the things she told ME "You need to do yourself a favor and quit while you're ahead" "Your skills just suck" "You're horrible with deadlines. You don't even have a proper laptop like everyone else" "You are wasting not only my time, which is very valuable to me and your classmates who actually want to learn, but you're wasting your time as well" "If you go for an interview at a graphic design firm, they will not only tell you that you are wasting your time, but they will tell you that you are wasting their time and they will laugh you right out of the building".

Because of that, I lost what little confidence I had in something I could try and do. After that class, I dropped out in 2011 and have been working ever since to pay back the student loan. I have had it paid off for the last four years. I should known I was too ignorant for college. I had no issues at all with the general education classes. I aced those with straight A's. It was just the course mentioned above I had issue with. Other than that, all the other course classes were fun and easy

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