Monday, December 30, 2019

Day 20-Things to Do Before You Die

Sort of like a bucket list

Meet someone famous
-I've already done this with Def Leppard. Me and my sister had meet-and-greet tickets to Def Leppard when they played here in Cincinnati, OH in May 2018. The photographer had to tell my sister to relax while I was standing next to Rick Savage, the bassist and trying not to blow a microchip. It was only when we were around the corner and out of earshot that we had our little freakouts about being near our favorite member of Def Leppard.
-I would love to meet Iron Maiden. I've seen countless interviews and they all seem like genuinely nice, down to earth guys with a lot of funny stories to tell. If you need evidence of this, watch Flight 666. I laughed at parts of that movie, such as when Adrian Smith is being interviewed in a t-shirt and towel around his waist and bare feet. Or when a crew member is being interviewed and in the background you see Bruce Dickinson in underwear and socks getting his stage clothes off a hanger. Plus, me and my sister both have favorites in the band. I like Dave Murray because I think he is still handsome and has a nice personality. My other favorite is Steve Harris because he's still handsome. My sister's single favorite is Dave Murray. She thinks he is so handsome for his age
-I wouldn't mind meeting Ritchie Blackmore. From this documentary I have seen and own on DVD about him, The Ritchie Blackmore Story, he does not seem arrogant as people have made him out to be. Opinionated? Yes. Demanding? Probably. He's probably demanding on himself, who knows. But he seems like a really sweet, nice, quiet guy who loves his privacy. I mean, imagine it. You're a musician in a really successful band. People are hounding you all the time. Yeah, you're going to want privacy. I read a book about him called Black Knight: Ritchie Blackmore by Jerry Bloom. It's a good book, but the person who wrote it seems to make Ritchie out to be almost like a bully, pulling pranks on people but getting bent out of shape when they turn the tables on him. And if that is how he really is, then okay, fine. I still think he's a cool guy. Although it would do him some good to learn about the values of monogamy, learning to stay with the one you love and not cheat. He seems to have finally learned that with his current music partner Candice Night. Plus, I've been a pretty big Deep Purple fan since high school and it was only after reading Black Knight: Ritchie Blackmore by Jerry Bloom that I discovered the band Rainbow and quickly became a fan of that band as well.

He looks very happy here. I'm happy for him.

Travel the world
-I want to travel to see various places in the world. I want my sister right there with me. We had our fights and troubles when we were younger. What siblings don't fight? But we seem to have grown closer over the years and it seems like we're best friends who do everything together-concerts, tattoos, special events and vacations. I would take my sister on vacation with me. I would love to take her to London with me because she is a massive punk rock fan and what better place for a lover of all things punk to go than London? I also want to take her with me to Australia to sightsee. If I can or if she wants to, either one of us could buy tickets to an AFL (Australian Football League) game, known as Aussie Rules football. She loves this incredibly violent sport known to some as "kill the man with the ball". Any places she wants to go, I'm sure she'll ask me just as I would ask her.

Fall in Love
-I wouldn't mind this. But I feel like my massive lack of self-confidence and self-esteem would push anyone away. Not only that, I have very massive trust issues and trust very few people. I have issues with opening up to people I don't know. I always try and find some common ground that me and the other person has in common, but if me and that person have nothing in common, why bother talking to them?

Go back to school
-I wouldn't mind going back to school if I knew something I was interested in and passionate about. My biological father drove all ideas and passions from my head. He told me and my sister that no matter how hard we worked toward something, it would never happen. Dreams are for suckers. That we would just be better off going the safe route and getting a regular job like everyone else and not bother with college. That we would never find a job in that market anyway. He also told us that if we couldn't do good in school, what good were we in college?

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