Sunday, January 12, 2020

9 Annoying Things Friends Say When Returning from Travelling

We all have friends who brag about all the amazing things they did on their time away. Or they brag about how they met all sorts of interesting people, the amount of booze they drank or whatnot. Here are 9 annoying things friends may say when returning.
1.) You haven't had coffee until you've drank it here!
-It's pretty much a known fact that each country brews coffee differently. It may not have been grown in the volcanic soils of Hawaii or passed through the digestive system of an Indonesian cat, but coffee is coffee none the less

2.) "That place was way too touristy for me"
-For starters, you want to say to them "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE?!?!?!" Every country has those locations considered too "touristy" but people still go to see them. It's amazing the things that come out of people's mouths

3.) I had the craziest night at the Full Moon Party
-For one thing, a lot of countries have parties to celebrate things that are important to them. For example, in springtime in Japan, when the cherry blossoms bloom and fall, parties are held to view them because it is considered a beautiful occasion. (I would go and see them like the locals) No one really cares about the drunken nightclub war stories you have.

4.) You have to see [insert famous landmark] when the sun is coming up.
-This is so typical it's pathetic. Not everyone wants to go to the same places for the same reasons as you. Everyone has those places in the world they want to see for reasons personal to them. So if you keep irritating people about seeing this place when the sun is coming up, you're going to find something being shoved where the sun doesn't shine!

5.) Travelling really changes your personality
-Travelling is different for everyone. Some consider backpacking through Europe to see the historical sights an eye opening experience, especially if you've never been out of the country before. Some consider drinking the bar dry in Riviera Maya, Mexico a legend to behold. It's not like travelling changes everyone. If it's your first time, last time or just a vacation somewhere, it can certainly open your eyes and make an impact

6.) It was time to unplug
-Yes, we all know we're just dying to post those pics on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other mindless drivel called social media. Funny, for someone who said they wanted to "unplug", those social media sites are seeing some high density from you...

7.) "That reminds me of this one time in Argentina..."
-When someone asks you if you've ever been to a place, it's okay to say yes and tell them about it. It's a completely new thing to shoehorn your travel experiences into a conversation that has nothing to do with it.

8.) You should be able to fit everything you own into a backpack
-First things first, consider where you are going. Some places are subject to radical changes in climate. You need to be prepared. A carry on and a suitcase should be sufficient. For example, if you plan on climbing Mt. Fuji in Japan during the spring and summer, you need to bring proper winter gear for climbing the mountain, such as winter clothes, winter coat, hat, gloves, VERY GOOD hiking shoes and proper summer and spring weather gear for when you come down. It's all down to knowing how the weather and climate is in the destination you're embarking to

9.) I'm glad I went when I did
-Here's a translation for this: "I had the best trip ever and you will never come close to that". Everyone has those one or two special destinations they want to see. They've been planning, saving and doing what they needed to prep themselves for that special day when they can embark. It does not reflect well on you when you basically brag about them not having as good a trip as you. Everyone travels to different places for different reasons. For some it's culture. For some it's religion. For some it's to see the sights. Do not take away the specialness of their dream destination(s) just because it doesn't compare to what you did. Not everyone aims to get completely London Blitzed on alcohol the whole time they are on vacation. Do not put someone down for wanting to go to a certain place in the world simply because you don't want to go there.

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