Friday, January 10, 2020

Is heavy metal music bad for your health?

There are some who say that heavy metal is bad for your health.
It's been said that heavy metal, more than any other genre of music, has the worst reputation and effect on its listeners. It's been said that heavy metal has the reputation of affecting the behavior mental of its listeners. Apparently scientists noted a link between listening to heavy metal and a high risk of suicidal thoughts or actions, becoming desensitized to violence and other factors. What these "studies" have forgotten, probably on purpose, is that there are external factors there sometimes as well, such as poor family relationships, drug abuse/substance abuse, feelings of being "the outsider".

According to a study done at Macquarie University in New South Wales, Australia, music with violent themes does not make fans more violent or prone to violence. There is a long standing idea that the music a person chooses to listen to can inform others of their behavior. Aristotle was of the opinion "if over a long time [a person] habitually listens to music that rouses ignoble passions, his whole character will be shaped to an ignoble form". So it can be said that heavy metal is not so bad for your health. If someone is prone to violence, has suicidal thoughts/actions or abuses substances, aggressive music can certainly be ruled out.

Here are some pictures to debunk that!!


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