Saturday, January 2, 2021

2020: What a year!

Good grief! What a year this has been! The sooner it ends, the better!! I had a year to end all years, like most everyone on the planet!!

Had my first car accident

-It happened on 10/30/2020. I was on my way to work as a temp at Cincinnati Eye Institute. I was going along a stretch of road called Red Bank Road. The road, no matter the weather, is always slick because there are businesses along it with flower beds out front. These flower beds have automatic sprinklers in them to water them. I saw the street light turning yellow, which meant the red light was coming. Rather than run through it, I stopped, skidded and the car behind me rear ended me. Both me and the other driver were okay, but my bumper took a lick or two. It was somewhat hanging on. Of course, I had never been in that kind of situation before, so shock took over. I was scared and panicking. When the police showed, I told them the truth-I didn't want to run the red light, so I tried to stop, but the road was slick. I skidded and the car behind me was tailgating and rear ended me. I was able to make it to work, but I had to rely on rides from my mom to work and rides from either my mom or sister home from work until I could get a rental car, which I got early the following week. I have my car back now, bumper fixed and everything.

I do have a little fear of driving Red Bank Road now, but when I pass the scene where it happened, I take deep breaths. What's hilarious is that a police officer even told me that if it turns yellow, just go through it. The lights have a three second delay between yellow and red. You have exactly three seconds to get through the just-turned-red light to be safe. If the other lights turn green and your light is red and you run it, then the cops can get you. I've only been driving since I was 23 (I'm 30 now) and had a car for maybe 5 years. The officer was surprised that I'm 30 and only just had my first accident. He said he thinks I might be a safe driver for all this time to pass driving and only now have an accident. He told me to keep up the safe driving and that the other person was at fault for tailgating. He said that he and his other fellow District 2 police officers call Red Bank Road "Accident Alley" because of the high number of car crashes and wrecks, some of them fatal. Nowadays, I just take I-71 North to work because it's faster and less dangerous!


-This virus has robbed everyone of everything. People are dying senselessly because they refuse to take even the simplest precautions, like wearing a mask or using hand sanitizer. Sadly, the US is said to be one of the countries with the highest rate of infection and deaths. I swear, no one in the US seems to think it's good to wear masks. They think they know everything and yet we have the highest infection and death rate. Americans seem like spoiled toddlers who think they know everything. They think wearing a mask and taking precautions is a violation of their civil liberties, freedoms and rights. It's not. WEAR A MASK AND TAKE PRECAUTIONS! We'll never get over this unless people start following the rules!!! This virus has not only taken lives of both everyday people and musicians, it's taken jobs away from people, cancelled vacations, concerts, everything. People are getting furloughed then permanently laid off because of lack of work. That right there tells everyone why I got laid off from a local company called General Electric Credit Union. That's what happened to me. I had been working there as a Loan Processor since February 2020. I worked until March 31, until the CEO told us there might be layoffs due to COVID-19. I was on the chopping block. I was furloughed, thinking I was going to go back. NOPE! In early May, I received a letter saying something to the effect of "Due to mitigating circumstances, your employment with General Electric Credit Union will be terminated effective May 31, 2020". I was, in layman's terms, permanently laid off. After that, I relied heavily on unemployment while searching heavily for jobs. It took me six months just to get this temp job at Cincinnati Eye Institute, which will end sometime, but I don't know when. My manager told me I'm still employed here and she'll give me plenty of warning about my last day. But, besides that, everyone is in the same boat, struggling to find work, etc.

Concerts cancelled!

- I was supposed to go to two concerts this year. I was supposed to see The Who at BB&T Arena, the main arena on the campus of Northern Kentucky University, where their basketball team the Norse play. That got cancelled due to COVID-19. I was supposed to go see the Foo Fighters with my sister at Heritage Bank Arena, formerly US Bank Arena. That got pushed back to October of this year and then cancelled due to the virus.

Stepdad landed in hospital

-Thankfully, it wasn't COVID-19-related. He was having trouble breathing and was sent to the hospital. He ended up having his lungs filled with small blood clots. He spent three days in the local Christ Hospital. We had to take precautions when he came home because on the floor he was on, the doctors and nurses put extra COVID-19 patients there. He, of course and thankfully, was asymptomatic and does not have it. But he's now on blood thinners for the rest of his life. I thought we were going to lose him for a while. But he's still here, making us laugh and more!

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