Saturday, October 2, 2021

How Hard It Is To Be A Woman...

Some men think it's easy being a lady, woman, chick, however they refer to the opposite sex. It's not always easy. Men have it so much easier. Women feel like they have to work extra hard or get a lot of crap for things. Here are some things that women share about being of this gender

BTW, if you see "My take" below any of these, I can definitely relate to the stories these ladies share. I've been there with a lot of these, I've done that with a lot of these.

15. Put it down to hormones

-"Getting angry and/or annoyed at something and having it automatically be PMS or hormones"

-My take: I agree! Anytime me or my sister is in a bad mood, my mom will say out loud "Is it that time of the month?" It's embarrassing when your mother asks about your monthly cycles because you're in a bad mood, God forbid we should be allowed to be angry after a bad day

14. When you're young

-"I was 11 and standing in line at a very crowded restaurant when some nasty a-- 50+ year old man started rubbing my butt. I tried to move, but it was so crowded that I couldn't go very far and he'd get right behind me and start doing it again. Nothing in my 11 years of life had prepared me for that moment and I was too shocked/paralyzed/scared to do or say anything. I never told anyone because I thought I had done something wrong. Yeah, it starts when we're really young

-My take: I had this happen. When I was 12, me, my sister, aunt and biological father were going to one of these little crappy concerts in Bellevue, KY by a local band (not that good at all, in fact so bad I can't even remember the name). While waiting outside a small convenient store, some old man came up and started rubbing his hand on my lower back, working its way down. I tried to move away, but he kept up. My dad thankfully came out and shooed him away. Asking him what he thought he was doing. The guy walked away and my dad asked me if I was okay. I told him yes I was. At least that was one decent thing my dad did. He may have verbally abused me and my sister, but he didn't like anyone doing that kind of stuff to us.

13. Because of my being a woman

-"In some cultures, women are the ones who have to serve tea and food to guests coming to visit their home. Doesn't matter if I'm busy studying in my locked room and my brothers are playing video games. I've been told I have to do it 'because I'm a woman'. I f---ing can't stand some of my middle eastern culture and traditions".

12. Sucks so badly

-"Buying a car. The times I tried to buy a new truck/car were terrible. A couple of salesmen totally ignored me, one didn't let me drive the car I wanted, another told me I didn't really need a truck, I was lied to about price and equipment, a car mechanic told me it was normal for the odometer to not be functioning in a new car...Buying a car sucks so much I haven't owned one in 5 years. Also, finding a bra that looks nice, is comfortable and doesn't cost a fortune."

-My take: Oh, yes. This is "heaven", rofl!! I hate being a woman trying to buy a car. Guys look at you like you're stupid. Great example. I had to recently buy a new car (not because I wanted to) because I had gotten into a wreck in February. My previous car was not equipped with anti-lock brakes or traction control so I had to keep turning the wheel to the left and right to keep it straight. I hit a patch of snow, spun out, hit the concrete K-rail separating the northbound and southbound lanes of the highway and not two seconds later, a car hit me, rendering my car completely undriveable. The driver who hit me, drove off and left the scene of an accident.

-Fast forward, I was looking at a Kio Rio at CarMax in Forest Park. They're supposed to be a good place. YEAH RIGHT! Because my stepdad is not your average guy who likes to take control of the situation, he is the kind to avoid conflict. He was off looking at cars he clearly can't afford, so it was up to me, my mom and sister to try and get a car. The guy we spoke to was a Hispanic gentleman who talked down to us like we were stupid because we were women. We told him were already pre-financed through Fifth Third, but he wanted us to finance through them, which would have been a mistake. Since my credit is so-so, I needed a co-signer on my car. My sister offered and if they ran her credit, they would have run it multiple times, ruining hers. They simply wouldn't accept that we wanted to finance through another institution; they wanted our money to go directly to them. The manager also came out with two of his lackeys (salesmen) and tried to talk us into financing with them because they offer better interest rates. My mother had to basically go insane on them and say that we'll take our business elsewhere. And then CarMax did the worst thing ever-they sent my mom a survey! This may not sound like a bad thing, but if you know my mom, this is like giving her a million dollars and telling her there's no tax on it-she's overjoyed! Luckily, my mom found a more suitable car at Performance Toyota in Fairfield-a 2018 Ford Fiesta SE. So far, the only thing I can't figure out is why my MP3 won't play in the USB port. I hope it nothing to do with Apple CarPlay. I really hope this program is not the reason why my MP3 won't work. It's a relatively new MP3; only had it for a couple of years.

11. Unbelievable

-"Gender bias in the medical system - having an illness is not believed. A friend of mine had tuberculosis for years and doctors told her she was probably just an emotional new mum."

10. The future's children

-"Not being able to make decisions about my body because of potential future children. I have Endo (endometriosis) and even with an IUD (a godsend, btw), I'm still miserable and in pain all the time. I asked my doc about options and when I mentioned a hysterectomy, I was immediately shut down because I haven't had any children. I want kids, but I prefer not being in immense pain every day."

9. Self-imposed curfews

-"Self-imposed curfews and location restrictions, for example, not going to certain parts of town alone, or going to a gas station after dark. One of my male friends laughed when I asked our group for someone to accompany me to the gas station after dark because he didn't understand. Also, sneezing while on your period. That s--- sucks."

-My take: sneezing on your period does suck. Just having periods suck even more. That's the one upside to menopause. NO MORE MONTHLIES, rofl!!

8. Vulnerability at its highest level

-"My sister will call me when she walks home from work (she finishes late). Every time she calls I realize how vulnerable she is at the moment. It's terrifying and I don't stop worrying until she confirms she's home and safe."

7. Going somewhere alone can be a scary thing

-"This weekend I was talking with a girl friend who's saying it took her 20m to find a parking lot. And I was like why don't you just park in 'x' there's always free parking there, and she says she's scared of going there alone, it's quite illuminated but a little far off from the bars/cafe but honestly I've never even considered not leaving my car there or associated woman could be afraid of parking there, realizing this kinda made sad that people have to go through this."

6. Who knew knees could be provocative?

-"This might be a personal pet peeve, but school uniforms through the years. Middle school had skirts which were a nuisance because we were still at the age where we wanted to hang upside down on the monkey bars, but we could get in trouble if they could see your shorts underneath. The high school had these pencil skirt things which were TERRIBLE. They had a slit in the back that went right up and if you moved wrong you'd just about flash everyone. They had to be past the knee - not on the knee, not above the knee - PAST the knee (note, these skirts move up as you walk). I'd be fine with this, if their enforcement was fair. The boys always have shorts above the knee (but HOW am I meant to get an education with such distracting things like knees in the classroom?) but nobody ever bat an eye.

-I got stopped multiple times by this one deputy principal who disliked me. First time, my skirt was on the knee. Alright, fine. Let down the hem. Second time, my skirt was rolled at the top. I get they don't want us pulling up our skirts all the way (sometimes people pulled up their skirts to the point where you could see their underwear, which obviously isn't appropriate for school) but those skirts were designed terribly. If I didn't roll my skirt, it wouldn't fit me around the waist and would as a consequence fall down all day - which if you ask me is more of a distraction than my oh so provocative knees."

5. Some stupid broad

-"Being treated like I'm some stupid broad without two brain cells to rub together, or that my problems aren't real because I'm "being overly dramatic" or I'm in a rage over menstruation. For example at work, I'm dealing with having my hours cut and days taken out of my schedule. I was angry and upset about it for the first twenty minutes because it means I lose around 3 1/3 days of pay, which is a lot. The few guys around me told me to 'put on my big girl panties and get over it'. My boss, actually, for a whole day, kept coming up to me randomly and telling me to suck it up because my period couldn't last too much longer so I should feel better soon. Like go f--- yourself."

4. Their idea of competence

-"I'd say the hardest part is to be a full-fledged expert in some areas in order to even prove yourself to be competent at the basic level, and still have people overlook me because I don't fit their idea of competence in whatever trade. I've been becoming a jack of all trades. One of my specialties is small engine mechanics and I'm regularly helping people who break down on scooters and mopeds. My fiance is not a mechanic but he's okay at it and can do basic troubleshooting. People will regularly turn to him even after we've stated I'm the one with more knowledge. It's so frustrating. Then there was the time somebody attempted not to pay me because they didn't want to pay a girl to do a man's job. I had to threaten to disassemble the vehicle and let him put it back together to prove he's a man if I didn't get paid."

3. Or even younger

-"Guys often don't know how early being s-xualized starts for us. There have to be a lot of pedophiles around. Most of the women I know have been hit on by adult men as early as 11, 12, 13 or even younger. And then they ask why women feel unsafe..."

2. What happens if you ignore it?

-"Getting catcalled, but 2. specifically what happens if you ignore it or even try to just fake a smile and wave while hurrying away. How it turns from unwanted "positive" commentary on your body to insults and threats. It's humiliating at best and terrifying at worst. And 3. When you try to talk about it and men are like "nah, I'd never do that, so therefore it doesn't happen and you should be nicer to these randos who are 'complimenting' you in the street."

1. What am I, invisible?

-"I'm not sure if this one is just specific to me or if other women share this problem. I'm a bartender and manager at a craft brewery. Very frequently, male customers, that I'm literally standing right in front of waiting to serve, will look right past me and order from the first male bartender they can. Now I'm rather short, 5'0' to be exact. Are they just not seeing me, or do they honestly think my male coworker can somehow pour them a far more superior beer?

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