Thursday, October 7, 2021

What People Have Avoided Their Whole Lives

Everyone has something they have tried to avoid their whole lives. One thing they've never tried, one food they've never eaten, etc. Here are 13 things people say they've avoided

I'll even add my take on some of this; I can relate....

1. Run for it

-"Getting stung by a bee or wasp. And now I've built it up so much that I'm absolutely terrified of wasps and I run for my life when I see one!"

-Me: Not so lucky. I was stung by a honey bee on my thigh when I was 12. I did the stupidest thing ever- I  tried to swat it away, not knowing I was going to get stung. Not my smartest move.

2. I said no!

-"Game of Thrones and the Kardashian Show. Never seen one episode of either."

-Me: Nope. Seen neither and have no desire to watch either. If I want to watch something medieval-y, I'll pop in Monty Python and The Holy Grail

3. Lucky break (no pun intended)

-"Breaking a bone. It's not like I've been a complete bookworm either. cycling, skating, football, skiing, snowboarding, I fell off a roof once. Never broken a bone."

-Me: knock on wood....I have not done this yet. I've had sprains, but no breaks

4. Everyone has an opinion...

-"Marriage and getting knocked up. I saw what my friends went through they acted like marriage and babies were a race. I sat back, took my time, watched my friends, then decided it didn't look like fun. I still have no regrets."

-Me: Yup, not interested. Out of all my high school classmates, I believe I may be THE ONLY ONE who has not been in some sort of relationship or have kids.

5. WOW!

-"Snakes. Have never seen one or encountered them which is not surprising as I live in Iceland. But still it must count for something."

-Me: I have seen snakes here. But they're usually just the little harmless corn snakes or green garter snakes. The types you normally see around trees and wooded areas

6. Very rare!

-"I've never seen a Marvel movie, comic or TV show. It just sort of happened, but now it feels as though there's 200 movies and 2000 comics and there's no way I could begin to catch up even if I wanted to."

-Me: I've seen a few. I'm partial to the X-Men movies because they are good and Hugh Jackman, who plays Wolverine, is my favorite actor. Out of all the comic book movies, I like the X-Men movies the most. I've only read one or two Marvel comics, both X-Men; not impressed. As for the TV shows, I've never seen any; my sister was crazy huge into Spider-Man as a kid. She watched the animated series religiously.

7. Wild & Crazy

-"Driving a car. I'm 37 and father of one. I ride my bike almost everywhere. Longer trips go by train or bus. It's a great way to stay healthy and make a small environmental difference. Living in Sweden makes this both harder (the seasons) and easier (the infrastructure). My town is often considered one of Sweden's best bike cities. Yay!"

-Me: I have no choice but to drive. My job at Cincinnati Eye Institute is 30-45 minutes away if I am able to get on to I-71 North, but a full 60 minutes away if I have to take Columbia Parkway to Red Bank Road and then get on I-71 North. I'd never make it on time a bus or a bike. I'd have to switch from the 77X Delhi Express Metro bus in downtown Cincinnati and get on the 3X Montgomery Express bus to take me to Blue Ash, where my job is located

8. Oh, well

-"Watching an entire episode of Friends. Really don't understand the hype on this."

-Me: Whoever said this, I agree; They're not missing anything. It's not even remotely funny.

9. One is usually fun

-"Weddings and funerals. Never been to a single one. Never really had family so I guess it wasn't hard"

-Me: I've been to an equal number of weddings and funerals. I've been to the funeral for my father, biological grandmother and stepdad's mother. I've been to a predominantly black wedding for a friend of my late father and her now husband, my mom and stepdad's wedding and a wedding for one of my father's coworkers. Each wedding was interesting.

-The predominantly black wedding was for a woman named Harriet and her husband Alfred. Harriet worked with my late father at US Bank and her now husband worked as a driver for Coca-Cola because they have a distribution center right here in Cincinnati, in the neighborhood of Madisonville, right across the way from the Fifth Third Operations Center. Me, my sister and dad went to the wedding and it was amazing. It's beautiful, the church was gorgeous and the reception was hopping. It was, overall, a great wedding. The food was amazing; it was all soul food and God, it was amazing. Me and my sister ended up dancing with the kids at the wedding since they were relatives of both the bride and groom. Another coworker of my dad's, Andre, started dancing once he heard Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" playing on the DJ booth. Overall, the wedding was fun. Some might think it's weird that me, my father and sister, who are Caucasian, went to a predominantly black wedding. I don't think it's weird; the family of both Harriet and Alfred didn't think it was weird. All three of us were talking to various members of their families. They both have interesting family members. Most people on both sides we talked to had served in the military, which is awesome! They invited us and we gladly came because they asked and it was fun

-The other wedding, besides my mom and stepdad's, was for a woman named Kelly, who worked with my dad at US Bank and her husband Brennan. It was in Covington at a place on Madison Ave. It was a large dance hall-type place. The wedding was at a small church in Covington and at the reception, the Covington Police did a bust during the reception. One of the cooks in the kitchen was hauled out in handcuffs and from the few words I heard from the police, they included "...possession of drugs with intent to distribute" and "...regular little meth lab at home". What a place to arrest someone-at a wedding reception, rofl!! Unfortunately, the wedded bliss didn't last too long. They ended up getting divorced after three years after she found her husband watching graphic pornography on her home computer and her son from a previous marriage seen him watching it as he passed by his parents room

-The wedding of my mom and stepdad was nothing big. They had a minister meet them at Five Points Park on Rapid Run Rd, in Delhi Township, near my current home and they exchanged vows there. The reception was at a place called Wild Mike's, a sports bar near our house. They kept it simple. Of course, the special song they danced to was "Gimme Three Steps" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. They also did a slow one, which was "You're My Inspiration" by Chicago

10. The black sheep of the family

-"Being baptized. That doesn't sound impressive until you take into consideration that my entire family is hyper-Christian and my grandfather, who helped raise me, was a minister. My mom's side of the family and my dad's side were from different denominations and they couldn't agree to which church to baptize me in, and both sides were stubborn, and I ended up making it to the age when I started to question religion without getting the dunk. My (step) brother is the only person in my family I know of who isn't some brand of Christian. I'm truly the black sheep on both sides."

-Me: I've been baptized. I don't remember much considering I was a baby, lol. I just don't have a confirmation name. But in years past, I certainly noticed my faith is not what it once was. It's not as strong as it used to be.

11. Really?

-"Twinkies. Almost 26 and I've never had one. I'll assume I'm not missing too much."

-Me: Whoever said this, I can rest assured telling you that you're missing nothing. They're nothing to rave about!

12. I love it!

-"I've never mowed the grass before. I've heard other people reminiscing about having to do yard work growing up but I've never been able to relate. I was raised by a single mother and we lived in apartments when I was a baby. She remarried when I was 9 and my stepfather always did the yard work after that one we were able to move into a house. Then I went off to college and have apartment hopped ever since. Now here I am, in my 30s, somehow avoiding having to mow grass for my entire life. I don't even think I'd know how to start a lawnmower if one was in front of me. Not my proudest of accomplishments..."

-Me: My dad never taught me or my sister how to mow the lawn, check the oil/windshield wiper fluid in cars, anything! Our mother had to teach us how to wash our car, mow the lawn among other things. She leaves the automotive stuff to the experts at the local Midas shop. Plus, I like the commentary the guys there have. They don't talk down to us because we're women and if they do, it's in a friendly, jokey way.

13. A miracle!

-"Having an STD or getting a girl pregnant before marriage. For the record I've made horrible decisions in my younger days. This was a legitimate miracle. The girl I dated prior to my wife it didn't clue in for three months that we were literally not even using the pull-out method. I just assumed she was on birth control AND I WAS LITERALLY TEACHING SEXUAL EDUCATION AS PART OF MY PUBLIC HEALTH POSITION."

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