Thursday, November 18, 2021

A Canadian high school principal will not be disciplined for her being a fan of Iron Maiden

A principal in Canada has found herself in hot water. The reason? She's a fan of Iron Maiden.

Parents were outraged by this Canadian principal's use of the number 666 and images corresponding to that. They wanted her disciplined. Pictures were uploaded to the school's Instagram page, which has now been removed. Sharon Burns, the principal of Eden High School in St. Catharine's, Ontario posted pictures of her displaying her being a fan of Iron Maiden. Some overly concerned parents took offense to a home-made sign saying 666

One part of the petition for her removal includes "As concerned parents with impressionable children at Eden High School in St. Catharine's, Ontario, we are deeply disturbed that the principal assigned to the school blatantly showed Satanic symbols and her allegiance to Satanic practices on her public social media platform where all the students can see them."

After hearing both sides, the District School Board of Niagara has not pursued her removal or any change of policy or discipline. Kim Sweeney, the chief communications officer for the school board, has this to say, in an interview with Canada's National Post. "As you can imagine, Principal Burns, like all of us, is quite surprised by how her Instagram post led to two petitions and grew to be a topic of interest around the world. We know Ms. Burns as a passionate and dedicated educator who is happiest when she can focus on and connect with her students. Our belief is that taste in music is subjective and we support that both students and staff enjoy a wide variety of genres."

All I can say after reading this is: YES!! Parents-0, Teacher-1! As far as my opinion goes, it doesn't matter what an educator's taste in music is. It has carries no weight on how she performs her job. As long as she is doing her job to the best of her abilities, who cares if she likes metal music?

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